Source code for glotaran.parse.parser

"""Functions for reading and parsing models from serialized representations."""

from typing import Dict

import yaml

from glotaran.parse.util import sanitize_yaml

from .register import get_model
from .register import known_model

[docs]def parse_yaml_file(filename: str) -> Dict: """parse_yaml_file reads the given file and parses its content as YML. Parameters ---------- filename : str filename is the of the file to parse. Returns ------- content : Dict The content of the file as dictionary. """ with open(filename) as f: spec = parse_yaml(f) return spec
[docs]def parse_yaml(data: str): try: return yaml.safe_load(data) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def parse_spec(spec: Dict): spec = sanitize_yaml(spec) if "type" not in spec: raise Exception("Model type not defined") model_type = spec["type"] del spec["type"] if not known_model(model_type): raise Exception(f"Unknown model type '{model_type}'.") model = get_model(model_type) try: return model.from_dict(spec) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def load_yaml_file(filename: str): spec = parse_yaml_file(filename) return parse_spec(spec)
[docs]def load_yaml(data: str): spec = parse_yaml(data) return parse_spec(spec)