Source code for glotaran.cli.commands.optimize

import sys
import typing

import click

import glotaran as gta
from glotaran.analysis.optimize import optimize

from . import util

[docs]@click.option( "--dataformat", "-dfmt", default=None, type=click.Choice(, help="The input format of the data. Will be inferred from extension if not set.", ) @click.option( "--data", "-d", multiple=True, type=(str, click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False)), help="Path to a dataset in the form '--data DATASET_LABEL PATH_TO_DATA'", ) @click.option( "--out", "-o", default=None, type=click.Path(file_okay=False), help="Path to an output directory.", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "--nfev", "-n", default=None, type=click.IntRange(min=1), help="Maximum number of function evaluations.", show_default=True, ) @click.option("--nnls", is_flag=True, help="Use non-negative least squares.") @click.option("--yes", "-y", is_flag=True, help="Don't ask for confirmation.") @util.signature_analysis def optimize_cmd( dataformat: str, data: typing.List[str], out: str, nfev: int, nnls: bool, yes: bool, parameters_file: str, model_file: str, scheme_file: str, ): """Optimizes a model. e.g.: glotaran optimize -- """ if scheme_file is not None: scheme = util.load_scheme_file(scheme_file, verbose=True) if nfev is not None: scheme.nfev = nfev else: if model_file is None: click.echo("Error: Neither scheme nor model specified", err=True) sys.exit(1) model = util.load_model_file(model_file, verbose=True) if parameters_file is None: click.echo("Error: Neither scheme nor parameter specified", err=True) sys.exit(1) parameters = util.load_parameter_file(parameters_file, verbose=True) if len(data) == 0: click.echo("Error: Neither scheme nor data specified", err=True) sys.exit(1) dataset_files = {arg[0]: arg[1] for arg in data} datasets = {} for label in model.dataset: if label not in dataset_files: click.echo(f"Missing dataset for '{label}'", err=True) sys.exit(1) path = dataset_files[label] datasets[label] = util.load_dataset_file(path, fmt=dataformat, verbose=True) scheme = gta.analysis.scheme.Scheme( model=model, parameters=parameters, data=datasets, non_negative_least_squares=nnls, maximum_number_function_evaluations=nfev, ) click.echo(scheme.validate()) click.echo(f"Use NNLS: {scheme.non_negative_least_squares}") click.echo(f"Max Nr Function Evaluations: {scheme.maximum_number_function_evaluations}") click.echo(f"Saving directory: is '{out if out is not None else 'None'}'") if yes or click.confirm("Do you want to start optimization?", abort=True, default=True): # try: # click.echo('Preparing optimization...', nl=False) # optimizer = gta.analysis.optimizer.Optimizer(scheme) # click.echo(' Success') # except Exception as e: # click.echo(" Error") # click.echo(e, err=True) # sys.exit(1) try: click.echo("Optimizing...") result = optimize(scheme) click.echo("Optimization done.") click.echo(result.markdown(with_model=False)) click.echo("Optimized Parameter:") click.echo(result.optimized_parameters.markdown()) except Exception as e: click.echo(f"An error occurred during optimization: \n\n{e}", err=True) sys.exit(1) if out is not None: try: click.echo(f"Saving directory is '{out}'") if yes or click.confirm("Do you want to save the data?", default=True): paths = click.echo("File saving successful, the following files have been written:\n") for p in paths: click.echo(f"* {p}") except Exception as e: click.echo(f"An error occurred during optimization: \n\n{e}", err=True) sys.exit(1) click.echo("All done, have a nice day!")