Source code for glotaran.cli.commands.explore

import click
from click import echo
from click import pause
from click import prompt

from . import util

[docs]@click.option( "--name", "-n", default=None, type=str, show_default=True, help="Name of the datagroup to export.", ) @click.option( "--select", "-s", default=None, type=(str, util.VALORRANGEORLIST), show_default=True, multiple=True, help="Selection of data. Example --select DIMENSION_NAME VALUE " "where VALUE can be a scalar, a list like '[V1,V2,V3]' or a tuple like '(MIN,MAX)'", ) @click.option( "--out", "-o", default=None, type=click.Path(dir_okay=False), show_default=True, help="Path to the output file.", ) @click.argument("filename", type=click.Path(exists=True)) def export(filename: str, select, out: str, name: str): """Exports data from netCDF4 to ascii.""" echo(f"Opening dataset at {filename}") dataset = util.load_dataset(filename, dtype="nc") if name is None: name = util.select_name(filename, dataset) stop = False data = dataset[name] for sel in select: data = util.select_data(data, sel[0], sel[1]) if out is not None: if len(data.shape) > 2: pause("Cannot export data with more than 2 dimensions to ASCII") else: util.write_data(data, out) stop = True while not stop: echo(f"Selected dataset '{name}'.") echo(f"\nDataset Content\n\n{data}\n") choice = prompt( "How to proceed", default="exit", type=click.Choice(["exit", "save", "select", "change", "help"]), ) if choice == "exit": stop = True elif choice == "change": name = util.select_name(filename, dataset) data = dataset[name] elif choice == "select": cont = True while cont: dims = [d for d in data.dims] choice = prompt( "Please select a dimension or action", default="back", type=click.Choice(dims + ["reset", "back"]), ) if choice == "back": cont = False elif choice == "reset": data = dataset[name] else: dim = choice choice = prompt( "Please select a value. Type 2 values sperated by ',' to select a range.", default="back", type=util.VALORRANGEORLIST, ) if choice != "back": try: data = util.select_data(data, dim, choice) except ValueError as e: echo(e, err=True) continue elif choice == "save": if len(data.shape) > 2: pause("Cannot export data with more than 2 dimensions to ASCII") else: cont = True change = False while cont: if out is None or change: out = prompt( "Please type in a name for the output file.", default="out.csv", type=click.Path(dir_okay=False), ) change = False choice = prompt( f"The filepath of the output file is '{out}'. Save the data?", default="yes", type=click.Choice(["yes", "no", "change"]), ) if choice == "change": change = True else: cont = False if choice == "yes": util.write_data(data, out) echo("Good-bye, have a nice day!")