Source code for glotaran.builtin.models.kinetic_image.k_matrix

""" K-Matrix """
from __future__ import annotations

import itertools
import typing
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
import scipy

from glotaran.model import model_attribute
from glotaran.parameter import Parameter

from .initial_concentration import InitialConcentration

[docs]@model_attribute( properties={ "matrix": {"type": typing.Dict[typing.Tuple[str, str], Parameter]}, }, ) class KMatrix: """ A K-Matrix represents a first order differental system."""
[docs] @classmethod def empty(cls, label: str, compartments: list[str]) -> KMatrix: """Creates an empty K-Matrix. Useful for combining. Parameters ---------- label : Label of the K-Matrix compartments : A list of all compartments in the model. """ return cls(label, OrderedDict())
[docs] def involved_compartments(self) -> list[str]: """ A list of all compartments in the Matrix. """ compartments = [] for index in self.matrix: compartments.append(index[0]) compartments.append(index[1]) compartments = list(set(compartments)) return compartments
[docs] def combine(self, k_matrix: KMatrix) -> KMatrix: """Creates a combined matrix. Parameters ---------- k_matrix : KMatrix to combine with. Returns ------- combined : The combined KMatrix. """ if not isinstance(k_matrix, KMatrix): raise TypeError("K-Matrices can only be combined with other K-Matrices.") combined_matrix = {entry: k_matrix.matrix[entry] for entry in k_matrix.matrix} for entry in self.matrix: combined_matrix[entry] = self.matrix[entry] combined = KMatrix() combined.label = f"{self.label}+{k_matrix.label}" combined.matrix = combined_matrix return combined
[docs] def matrix_as_markdown( self, compartments: list[str] = None, fill_parameters: bool = False, ) -> str: """Returns the KMatrix as markdown formatted table. Parameters ---------- compartments : (default = None) An optional list defining the desired order of compartments. fill_parameters : bool (default = False) If true, the entries will be filled with the actual parameter values instead of labels. """ compartments = ( [c for c in compartments if c in self.involved_compartments()] if compartments else self.involved_compartments() ) size = len(compartments) array = np.zeros((size, size), dtype=np.object) # Matrix is a dict for index in self.matrix: i = compartments.index(index[0]) j = compartments.index(index[1]) array[i, j] = ( self.matrix[index].full_label if not fill_parameters else self.matrix[index].value ) return self._array_as_markdown(array, compartments, compartments)
[docs] def a_matrix_as_markdown(self, initial_concentration: InitialConcentration) -> str: """Returns the A Matrix as markdown formatted table. Parameters ---------- initial_concentration : The initial concentration. """ compartments = [ c for c in initial_concentration.compartments if c in self.involved_compartments() ] return self._array_as_markdown( self.a_matrix(initial_concentration).T, compartments, self.rates(initial_concentration), )
@staticmethod def _array_as_markdown(array, row_header, column_header): markdown = "| compartment | " markdown += " | ".join(f"{e:.4e}" if not isinstance(e, str) else e for e in column_header) markdown += "\n|" markdown += "|".join("---" for _ in range(len(column_header) + 1)) markdown += "\n" for i, row in enumerate(array): markdown += ( f"| {row_header[i]} | " if isinstance(row_header[i], str) else f"| {row_header[i]:.4e} | " ) markdown += " | ".join(f"{e:.4e}" if not isinstance(e, str) else e for e in row) markdown += "|\n" return markdown
[docs] def reduced(self, compartments: list[str]) -> np.ndarray: """The reduced representation of the KMatrix as numpy array. Parameters ---------- compartments : The compartment order. """ compartments = [c for c in compartments if c in self.involved_compartments()] size = len(compartments) array = np.zeros((size, size), dtype=np.float64) # Matrix is a dict for index in self.matrix: i = compartments.index(index[0]) j = compartments.index(index[1]) array[i, j] = self.matrix[index] return array
[docs] def full(self, compartments: list[str]) -> np.ndarray: """The full representation of the KMatrix as numpy array. Parameters ---------- compartments : The compartment order. """ compartments = [c for c in compartments if c in self.involved_compartments()] size = len(compartments) mat = np.zeros((size, size), np.float64) for (to_comp, from_comp), param in self.matrix.items(): to_idx = compartments.index(to_comp) fr_idx = compartments.index(from_comp) if to_idx == fr_idx: mat[to_idx, fr_idx] -= param else: mat[to_idx, fr_idx] += param mat[fr_idx, fr_idx] -= param return mat
[docs] def eigen(self, compartments: list[str]) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Returns the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the k matrix. Parameters ---------- compartments : The compartment order. """ # We take the transpose to be consistent with timp matrix = self.full(compartments).T # get the eigenvectors and values, we take the left ones to have # computation consistent with TIMP eigenvalues, eigenvectors = scipy.linalg.eig(matrix, left=True, right=False) return (eigenvalues.real, eigenvectors.real)
[docs] def rates(self, initial_concentration: InitialConcentration) -> np.ndarray: """The resulting rates of the matrix. Parameters ---------- initial_concentration : The initial concentration. """ if self.is_unibranched(initial_concentration): return np.diag(self.full(initial_concentration.compartments)).copy() rates, _ = self.eigen(initial_concentration.compartments) return rates
def _gamma( self, eigenvectors: np.ndarray, initial_concentration: InitialConcentration, ) -> np.ndarray: compartments = [ c for c in initial_concentration.compartments if c in self.involved_compartments() ] initial_concentration = [ initial_concentration.parameters[initial_concentration.compartments.index(c)] for c in compartments ] gamma = scipy.linalg.solve(eigenvectors, initial_concentration) return np.diag(gamma)
[docs] def a_matrix(self, initial_concentration: InitialConcentration) -> np.ndarray: """The resulting A matrix of the KMatrix. Parameters ---------- initial_concentration : The initial concentration. """ return ( self.a_matrix_unibranch(initial_concentration) if self.is_unibranched(initial_concentration) else self.a_matrix_non_unibranch(initial_concentration) )
[docs] def a_matrix_non_unibranch(self, initial_concentration: InitialConcentration) -> np.ndarray: """The resulting A matrix of the KMatrix for a non-unibranched model. Parameters ---------- initial_concentration : The initial concentration. """ eigenvalues, eigenvectors = self.eigen(initial_concentration.compartments) gamma = self._gamma(eigenvectors, initial_concentration) a_matrix = eigenvectors @ gamma return a_matrix.T
[docs] def a_matrix_unibranch(self, initial_concentration: InitialConcentration) -> np.array: """The resulting A matrix of the KMatrix for an unibranched model. Parameters ---------- initial_concentration : The initial concentration. """ compartments = [ c for c in initial_concentration.compartments if c in self.involved_compartments() ] matrix = self.full(compartments).T rates = np.diag(matrix) a_matrix = np.zeros(matrix.shape, dtype=np.float64) a_matrix[0, 0] = 1.0 for i, j in itertools.product(range(rates.size), range(1, rates.size)): if i > j: continue a_matrix[i, j] =[rates[m] for m in range(j)]) / [rates[m] - rates[i] for m in range(j + 1) if i != m] ) return a_matrix
[docs] def is_unibranched(self, initial_concentration: InitialConcentration) -> bool: """Returns true in the KMatrix represents an unibranched model. Parameters ---------- initial_concentration : The initial concentration. """ if ( np.sum( [ initial_concentration.parameters[initial_concentration.compartments.index(c)] for c in self.involved_compartments() ] ) != 1 ): return False matrix = self.reduced(initial_concentration.compartments) return not any( np.nonzero(matrix[:, i])[0].size != 1 or i != 0 and matrix[i, i - 1] == 0 for i in range(matrix.shape[1]) )