Source code for

"""Glotaran IO utility module."""

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import html
import inspect
import os
from import Mapping
from import MutableMapping
from import Sequence
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any

import xarray as xr

from glotaran.plugin_system.data_io_registration import load_dataset
from glotaran.typing.types import DatasetMappable

    from import Generator
    from import Iterator

    import pandas as pd

    from glotaran.project.result import Result
    from glotaran.typing.types import StrOrPath

def _load_datasets(dataset_mappable: DatasetMappable, index: int = 1) -> dict[str, xr.Dataset]:
    """Implement functionality for ``load_datasets`` and  internal use.

    dataset_mappable : DatasetMappable
        Instance of ``DatasetMappable`` that can be used to create a dataset mapping.
    index : int
        Index used to create key and ``source_path`` if not present.
        , by default 1

    dict[str, xr.Dataset]
        Mapping of datasets to initialize :class:`DatasetMapping`.

        If the type of ``dataset_mappable`` is not explicitly supported.
    dataset_mapping = {}
    if isinstance(dataset_mappable, (str, Path)):
        dataset_mapping[Path(dataset_mappable).stem] = load_dataset(dataset_mappable)
    elif isinstance(dataset_mappable, (xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray)):
        if isinstance(dataset_mappable, xr.DataArray):
            dataset_mappable: xr.Dataset = dataset_mappable.to_dataset(  # type:ignore[no-redef]
        if "source_path" not in dataset_mappable.attrs:
            dataset_mappable.attrs["source_path"] = f"dataset_{index}.nc"
        dataset_mapping[Path(dataset_mappable.source_path).stem] = dataset_mappable
    elif isinstance(dataset_mappable, Sequence):
        for index, dataset in enumerate(dataset_mappable, start=1):
            key, value = next(iter(_load_datasets(dataset, index=index).items()))
            dataset_mapping[key] = value
    elif isinstance(dataset_mappable, Mapping):
        for key, dataset in dataset_mappable.items():
            _, value = next(iter(_load_datasets(dataset).items()))
            dataset_mapping[key] = value
        raise TypeError(
            f"Type '{type(dataset_mappable).__name__}' for 'dataset_mappable' of value "
            f"'{dataset_mappable}' is not supported."
            f"\nSupported types are:\n {DatasetMappable}."
    return dataset_mapping

[docs] class DatasetMapping(MutableMapping): """Wrapper class for a mapping of datasets which can be used for a ``file_loadable_field``.""" def __init__(self, init_map: Mapping[str, xr.Dataset] | None = None) -> None: """Initialize an instance of :class:`DatasetMapping`. Parameters ---------- init_dict : dict[str, xr.Dataset] | None Mapping to initially populate the instance. Defaults to ``None``. """ super().__init__() self.__data_dict: dict[str, xr.Dataset] = {} if init_map is not None: for key, dataset in init_map.items(): self[key] = dataset
[docs] @classmethod def loader(cls: type[DatasetMapping], dataset_mappable: DatasetMappable) -> DatasetMapping: """Loader function utilized by ``file_loadable_field``. Parameters ---------- dataset_mappable : DatasetMappable Mapping of datasets to initialize :class:`DatasetMapping`. Returns ------- DatasetMapping Populated instance of :class:`DatasetMapping`. """ return cls(_load_datasets(dataset_mappable))
@property def source_path(self): """Map the ``source_path`` attribute of each dataset to a standalone mapping. Note ---- When the ``source_path`` attribute of the dataset gets updated (e.g. by calling ``save_dataset`` with the default ``update_source_path=True``) this value will be updated as well. Returns ------- Mapping[str, str] Mapping of the dataset source paths. """ return {key: val.source_path for key, val in self.__data_dict.items()} def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> xr.Dataset: """Implement retrieving an element by its key.""" return self.__data_dict[key] def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: xr.Dataset) -> None: """Implement setting an elements value.""" if "source_path" not in value.attrs: value.attrs["source_path"] = f"{key}.nc" self.__data_dict[key] = value def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: """Implement looping over an instance.""" yield from self.__data_dict.keys() def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None: """Implement deleting an item.""" del self.__data_dict[key] def __len__(self) -> int: """Implement calling ``len`` on an instance.""" return len(self.__data_dict) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Implement calling ``repr`` on an instance.""" items = [f"{dataset_name!r}: <xarray.Dataset>" for dataset_name in self] return f"{{{', '.join(items)}}}" def _repr_html_(self) -> str: """Return a html representation str. Special method used by ``ipython`` to render html. Returns ------- str DatasetMapping as html string. """ items = [ f"<details><summary>{dataset_name}</summary>{dataset._repr_html_()}</details>\n" for dataset_name, dataset in self.items() ] return f"<pre>{html.escape(repr(self))}</pre>\n{''.join(items)}"
[docs] def load_datasets(dataset_mappable: DatasetMappable) -> DatasetMapping: """Load multiple datasets into a mapping (convenience function). This is used for ``file_loadable_field`` of a dataset mapping e.g. in :class:`Scheme` Parameters ---------- dataset_mappable : DatasetMappable Single dataset/file path to a dataset or sequence or mapping of it. Returns ------- DatasetMapping Mapping of dataset with string keys, where datasets hare ensured to have the ``source_path`` attr. """ return DatasetMapping.loader(dataset_mappable)
[docs] @contextmanager def chdir_context(folder_path: StrOrPath) -> Generator[Path, None, None]: """Context manager to change directory to ``folder_path``. Parameters ---------- folder_path: StrOrPath Path to change to. Yields ------ Generator[Path, None, None] Resolved path of ``folder_path``. Raises ------ ValueError If ``folder_path`` is an existing file. """ original_dir = Path(os.curdir).resolve() folder_path = Path(folder_path) if folder_path.is_file() is True: raise ValueError("Value of 'folder_path' needs to be a folder but was an existing file.") folder_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) try: os.chdir(folder_path) yield folder_path.resolve() finally: os.chdir(original_dir)
[docs] def relative_posix_path(source_path: StrOrPath, base_path: StrOrPath | None = None) -> str: """Ensure that ``source_path`` is a posix path, relative to ``base_path`` if defined. For ``source_path`` to be converted to a relative path it either needs to a an absolute path or ``base_path`` needs to be a parent directory of ``source_path``. On Windows if ``source_path`` and ``base_path`` are on different drives, it will return the absolute posix path to the file. Parameters ---------- source_path : StrOrPath Path which should be converted to a relative posix path. base_path : StrOrPath, optional Base path the resulting path string should be relative to. Defaults to ``None``. Returns ------- str ``source_path`` as posix path relative to ``base_path`` if defined. """ source_path = Path(source_path) if base_path is not None and ( source_path.is_absolute() or Path(base_path).resolve() in source_path.resolve().parents ): with contextlib.suppress(ValueError): source_path = os.path.relpath(source_path.as_posix(), Path(base_path).as_posix()) return Path(source_path).as_posix()
[docs] def safe_dataframe_fillna(df: pd.DataFrame, column_name: str, fill_value: Any) -> None: """Fill NaN values with ``fill_value`` if the column exists or do nothing. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame DataFrame from which specific column values will be replaced column_name : str Name of column of ``df`` to fill NaNs fill_value : Any Value to fill NaNs with """ if column_name in df.columns: df[column_name].fillna(fill_value, inplace=True)
[docs] def safe_dataframe_replace( df: pd.DataFrame, column_name: str, to_be_replaced_values: Any, replace_value: Any ) -> None: """Replace column values with ``replace_value`` if the column exists or do nothing. If ``to_be_replaced_values`` is not list or tuple format, convert into list with same ``to_be_replaced_values`` as element. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame DataFrame from which specific column values will be replaced column_name : str Name of column of ``df`` to replace values for to_be_replaced_values : Any Values to be replaced replace_value : Any Value to replace ``to_be_replaced_values`` with """ if not isinstance(to_be_replaced_values, (list, tuple)): to_be_replaced_values = [to_be_replaced_values] if column_name in df.columns: df[column_name].replace(to_be_replaced_values, replace_value, inplace=True)
[docs] def get_script_dir(*, nesting: int = 0) -> Path: """Get the parent folder a script is executed in. This is a helper function for cross compatibility with jupyter notebooks. In notebooks the global ``__file__`` variable isn't set, thus we need different means to get the folder a script is defined in, which doesn't change with the current working director the ``python interpreter`` was called from. Parameters ---------- nesting : int Number to go up in the call stack to get to the initially calling function. This is only needed for library code and not for user code. , by default 0 (direct call) Returns ------- Path Path to the folder the script was resides in. """ calling_frame = inspect.stack()[nesting + 1].frame file_var = calling_frame.f_globals.get("__file__", ".") file_path = Path(file_var).resolve() return file_path if file_var == "." else file_path.parent
[docs] def make_path_absolute_if_relative(path: Path) -> Path: """Get a path as absolute if relative. Parameters ---------- path : Path The path to make absolute. Returns ------- Path Either the original path or the path as absolute relative to the script directory. """ if not path.is_absolute(): path = get_script_dir(nesting=2) / path return path
[docs] def create_clp_guide_dataset( result: Result | xr.Dataset, clp_label: str, dataset_name: str | None = None ) -> xr.Dataset: """Create dataset for clp guidance. Parameters ---------- result: Result | xr.Dataset Optimization result object or dataset, created with pyglotaran>=0.6.0. clp_label : str Label of the clp to guide. dataset_name : str | None Name of dataset to extract the guide from. Defaults to None. Returns ------- xr.Dataset DataArray containing the clp guide, with ``clp_label`` dimension replaced by the model dimensions first value. Raises ------ ValueError If result is an instance of ``Result`` and ``dataset_name`` is ``None`` or not in result. ValueError If ``clp_labels`` is not in result. ValueError The result dataset was created with pyglotaran<0.6.0. Examples -------- Extracting the clp guide from an optimization result object. .. code-block:: python from import save_dataset from import create_clp_guide_dataset clp_guide = create_clp_guide_dataset(result, "species_1", "dataset_1") save_dataset(clp_guide, "") Extracting the clp guide from a result dataset loaded from file. .. code-block:: python from import load_dataset from import save_dataset from import create_clp_guide_dataset result_dataset = load_dataset("") clp_guide = create_clp_guide_dataset(result_dataset, "species_1") save_dataset(clp_guide, "") """ if isinstance(result, xr.Dataset): dataset = result elif dataset_name is None or dataset_name not in raise ValueError( f"Unknown dataset {dataset_name!r}. " f"Known datasets are:\n {list(}" ) else: dataset =[dataset_name] if clp_label not in dataset.clp_label: raise ValueError( f"Unknown clp_label {clp_label!r}. " f"Known clp_labels are:\n {list(dataset.clp_label.values)}" ) if "model_dimension" not in dataset.attrs: raise ValueError( "Result dataset is missing attribute 'model_dimension', " "which means that it was created with pyglotaran<0.6.0." "Please recreate the result with the latest version of pyglotaran." ) clp_values = dataset.clp.sel(clp_label=[clp_label]) value_dimension = next(filter(lambda x: x != dataset.model_dimension, clp_values.dims)) return xr.DataArray( clp_values.values.T, coords={ dataset.model_dimension: [dataset.coords[dataset.model_dimension][0].item()], value_dimension: clp_values.coords[value_dimension].values, }, ).to_dataset(name="data")