Source code for glotaran.project.scheme

"""The module for :class:``Scheme``."""
from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses import field
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from import load_scheme
from glotaran.model import Model
from glotaran.parameter import Parameters
from glotaran.project.dataclass_helpers import file_loadable_field
from glotaran.project.dataclass_helpers import init_file_loadable_fields
from import DatasetMapping
from glotaran.utils.ipython import MarkdownStr

    from import Callable
    from import Mapping
    from typing import Literal

    import xarray as xr

    from glotaran.typing import StrOrPath

[docs] @dataclass class Scheme: """A scheme is a collection of a model, parameters and a dataset. A scheme also holds options for optimization. """ model: Model = file_loadable_field(Model) # type:ignore[type-var] parameters: Parameters = file_loadable_field(Parameters) # type:ignore[type-var] data: Mapping[str, xr.Dataset] = file_loadable_field( DatasetMapping, is_wrapper_class=True ) # type:ignore[type-var] clp_link_tolerance: float = 0.0 clp_link_method: Literal["nearest", "backward", "forward"] = "nearest" maximum_number_function_evaluations: int | None = None add_svd: bool = True ftol: float = 1e-8 gtol: float = 1e-8 xtol: float = 1e-8 optimization_method: Literal[ "TrustRegionReflection", "Dogbox", "Levenberg-Marquardt", ] = "TrustRegionReflection" result_path: str | None = None source_path: StrOrPath = field( default="scheme.yml", init=False, repr=False, metadata={"exclude_from_dict": True} ) loader: Callable[[StrOrPath], Scheme] = field( default=load_scheme, init=False, repr=False, metadata={"exclude_from_dict": True} ) def __post_init__(self): """Override attributes after initialization.""" init_file_loadable_fields(self)
[docs] def validate(self) -> MarkdownStr: """Return a string listing all problems in the model and missing parameters. Returns ------- MarkdownStr A user-friendly string containing all the problems of a model if any. Defaults to 'Your model is valid.' if no problems are found. """ return self.model.validate(self.parameters)
[docs] def valid(self) -> bool: """Check if there are no problems with the model or the parameters. Returns ------- bool Whether the scheme is valid. """ return self.model.valid(self.parameters)
[docs] def markdown(self): """Format the :class:`Scheme` as markdown string. Returns ------- MarkdownStr The scheme as markdown string. """ model_markdown_str = self.model.markdown(parameters=self.parameters) markdown_str = "\n\n__Scheme__\n\n" markdown_str += ( "* *maximum_number_function_evaluations*: " f"{self.maximum_number_function_evaluations}\n" ) markdown_str += f"* *clp_link_tolerance*: {self.clp_link_tolerance}\n" return model_markdown_str + MarkdownStr(markdown_str)
def _repr_markdown_(self) -> str: """Return a markdown representation str. Special method used by ``ipython`` to render markdown. Returns ------- str The scheme as markdown string. """ return str(self.markdown()) def __str__(self) -> str: """Representation used by print and str.""" return str(self.markdown())