Source code for glotaran.plugin_system.base_registry

"""Functionality to register, initialize and retrieve glotaran plugins.

Since this module is imported at the root ```` file all other
glotaran imports should be used for typechecking only in the 'if TYPE_CHECKING' block.
This is to prevent issues with circular imports.
from __future__ import annotations

import os
from import Iterable
from importlib import metadata
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import cast
from warnings import warn

    from import Callable
    from import Generator
    from import MutableMapping
    from import Sequence
    from typing import Any
    from typing import TypeVar

    from import DataIoInterface
    from import ProjectIoInterface
    from glotaran.model.megacomplex import Megacomplex

    _PluginType = TypeVar("_PluginType", type[Megacomplex], DataIoInterface, ProjectIoInterface)
    _PluginInstantiableType = TypeVar(
        "_PluginInstantiableType", DataIoInterface, ProjectIoInterface

    GenericPluginInstance = TypeVar("GenericPluginInstance", bound=object)

class __PluginRegistry:
    """Central Plugin Registry.

    This is super private since if anyone messes with it, the pluginsystem could break.

    megacomplex: MutableMapping[str, type[Megacomplex]] = {}
    data_io: MutableMapping[str, DataIoInterface] = {}
    project_io: MutableMapping[str, ProjectIoInterface] = {}

[docs] def full_plugin_name(plugin: object | type[object]) -> str: """Full name of a plugin instance/class similar to the ``repr``. Parameters ---------- plugin : object | type[object] plugin instance/class Examples -------- >>> from import SdtDataIo >>> full_plugin_name(SdtDataIo) "" >>> full_plugin_name(SdtDataIo("sdt")) "" Returns ------- str Full name of the plugin. """ if isinstance(plugin, type): return f"{plugin.__module__}.{plugin.__name__}" else: return f"{plugin.__module__}.{type(plugin).__name__}"
[docs] class PluginOverwriteWarning(UserWarning): """Warning used if a plugin tries to overwrite and existing plugin.""" def __init__( self, *args: Any, old_key: str, old_plugin: object | type[object], new_plugin: object | type[object], plugin_set_func_name: str, ): """Use old and new plugin and keys to give verbose warning message. Parameters ---------- old_key : str Old registry key. old_plugin : object | type[object] Old plugin ('registry[old_key]'). new_plugin : object | type[object] New Plugin ('registry[new_key]'). plugin_set_func_name: str Name of the function used to pin a plugin. *args : Any Additional args passed to the super constructor. """ old_plugin_name = full_plugin_name(old_plugin) new_plugin_name = full_plugin_name(new_plugin) message = ( f"The plugin '{new_plugin_name}' tried to overwrite the plugin '{old_plugin_name}', " f"with the access_name {old_key!r}. " f"Use {plugin_set_func_name}({old_key!r}, {new_plugin_name!r}) " f"to use {new_plugin_name!r} instead." ) super().__init__(message, *args)
[docs] def load_plugins(): """Initialize plugins registered under the entrypoint 'glotaran.plugins'. For an entry_point to be considered a glotaran plugin it just needs to start with 'glotaran.plugins', which allows for an easy extendability. Currently used builtin entrypoints are: - ``glotaran.plugins.data_io`` - ``glotaran.plugins.megacomplex`` - ``glotaran.plugins.project_io`` """ if "DEACTIVATE_GTA_PLUGINS" not in os.environ: # pragma: no branch for entry_point_name, entry_points in metadata.entry_points().items(): if entry_point_name.startswith("glotaran.plugins"): for entry_point in entry_points: entry_point.load()
[docs] def set_plugin( plugin_register_key: str, full_plugin_name: str, plugin_registry: MutableMapping[str, _PluginType], plugin_register_key_name: str = "format_name", ) -> None: """Set a plugins short name to a specific plugin referred by its full name. This can be used to ensure that a specific plugin is used in case there are conflicting plugins installed. Parameters ---------- plugin_register_key : str Name of the plugin under which it is registered. full_plugin_name : str Full name (import path) of the registered plugin. plugin_registry : MutableMapping[str, _PluginType] Registry the plugin should be set in to. plugin_register_key_name: str Name of the arg passed ``plugin_register_key`` in the function that implements ``set_plugin``. Raises ------ ValueError If ``plugin_register_key`` has the character '.' in it. ValueError If there isn't a registered plugin with the key ``full_plugin_name``. See Also -------- add_plugin_to_registry full_plugin_name """ if "." in plugin_register_key: raise ValueError( f"The value of {plugin_register_key_name!r} isn't " "allowed to contain the character '.' ." ) if "." not in full_plugin_name or not is_registered_plugin( plugin_register_key=full_plugin_name, plugin_registry=plugin_registry ): known_plugins = list( filter(lambda plugin_name: "." in plugin_name, plugin_registry.keys()) ) raise ValueError( f"There isn't a plugin registered under the full name {full_plugin_name!r}.\n" f"Maybe you need to install a plugin? Known plugins are:\n {known_plugins}" ) plugin_registry[plugin_register_key] = plugin_registry[full_plugin_name]
[docs] def add_plugin_to_registry( plugin_register_key: str, plugin: _PluginType, plugin_registry: MutableMapping[str, _PluginType], plugin_set_func_name: str, instance_identifier: str = "", ) -> None: """Add a plugin with name ``plugin_register_key`` to the given registry. In addition it also adds the plugin with it full import path name as key, which allows for a better reproducibility in case there are conflicting plugins. Parameters ---------- plugin_register_key : str Name of the plugin under which it is registered. plugin: _PluginType Plugin to be added to the registry. plugin_registry: MutableMapping[str, _PluginType] Registry the plugin should be added to. plugin_set_func_name: str Name of the function used to pin a plugin. instance_identifier: str Used to differentiate between plugin instances (e.g. different format for IO plugins) Raises ------ ValueError If ``plugin_register_key`` has the character '.' in it. See Also -------- add_instantiated_plugin_to_register full_plugin_name """ if "." in plugin_register_key: raise ValueError( "The character '.' isn't allowed in the name of a plugin, " f"you provided the name {plugin_register_key!r}." ) if plugin_register_key in plugin_registry: old_key = plugin_register_key plugin_register_key = full_plugin_name(plugin) if full_plugin_name(plugin_registry[old_key]) != full_plugin_name(plugin): warn( PluginOverwriteWarning( old_key=old_key, old_plugin=plugin_registry[old_key], new_plugin=plugin, plugin_set_func_name=plugin_set_func_name, ), stacklevel=4, ) if instance_identifier: instance_identifier = f"_{instance_identifier}" plugin_registry[f"{full_plugin_name(plugin)}{instance_identifier}"] = plugin plugin_registry[plugin_register_key] = plugin
[docs] def add_instantiated_plugin_to_registry( plugin_register_keys: str | list[str], plugin_class: type[_PluginInstantiableType], plugin_registry: MutableMapping[str, _PluginInstantiableType], plugin_set_func_name: str, ) -> None: """Add instances of plugin_class to the given registry. Parameters ---------- plugin_register_keys : str | list[str] Name/-s of the plugin under which it is registered. plugin_class : type[_PluginInstantiableType] Pluginclass which should be instantiated with ``plugin_register_keys`` and added to the registry. plugin_registry : MutableMapping[str, _PluginInstantiableType] Registry the plugin should be added to. plugin_set_func_name: str Name of the function used to pin a plugin. See Also -------- add_plugin_to_register """ if isinstance(plugin_register_keys, str): plugin_register_keys = [plugin_register_keys] for plugin_register_key in plugin_register_keys: add_plugin_to_registry( plugin_register_key=plugin_register_key, plugin=plugin_class(plugin_register_key), plugin_registry=plugin_registry, plugin_set_func_name=plugin_set_func_name, instance_identifier=plugin_register_key, )
[docs] def registered_plugins( plugin_registry: MutableMapping[str, _PluginType], full_names: bool = False ) -> list[str]: """Names of the plugins in the given registry. Parameters ---------- plugin_registry : MutableMapping[str, _PluginType] Registry to search in. full_names: bool Whether to display the full names the plugins are registered under as well. Returns ------- list[str] List of plugin names in plugin_registry. """ if full_names: return sorted(plugin_registry.keys()) else: return sorted(filter(lambda key: "." not in key, plugin_registry.keys()))
[docs] def is_registered_plugin( plugin_register_key: str, plugin_registry: MutableMapping[str, _PluginType] ) -> bool: """Check if a plugin with name ``plugin_register_key`` is registered in the given registry. Parameters ---------- plugin_register_key : str Name of the plugin under which it is registered. plugin_registry : MutableMapping[str, _PluginType] Registry to search in. Returns ------- bool Whether or not a plugin is in the registry. """ return plugin_register_key in plugin_registry
[docs] def get_plugin_from_registry( plugin_register_key: str, plugin_registry: MutableMapping[str, _PluginType], not_found_error_message: str, ) -> _PluginType: """Retrieve a plugin with name ``plugin_register_key`` is registered in a given registry. Parameters ---------- plugin_register_key : str Name of the plugin under which it is registered. plugin_registry : MutableMapping[str, _PluginType] Registry to search in. not_found_error_message : str Error message to be shown if the plugin wasn't found. Returns ------- _PluginType Plugin from the plugin Registry. Raises ------ ValueError If there was no plugin registered under the name ``plugin_register_key``. """ if not is_registered_plugin(plugin_register_key, plugin_registry): raise ValueError(not_found_error_message) else: return plugin_registry[plugin_register_key]
[docs] def get_method_from_plugin( plugin: object | type[object], method_name: str, ) -> Callable[..., Any]: """Retrieve a method callabe from an class or instance plugin. Parameters ---------- plugin : object | type[object], Plugin instance or class. method_name : str Method name, e.g. load_megacomplex. Returns ------- Callable[..., Any] Method callable. Raises ------ ValueError If plugin has an attribute with that name but it isn't callable. ValueError If plugin misses the attribute. """ not_a_method_error_message = ( f"The plugin {full_plugin_name(plugin)!r} has no method {method_name!r}" ) try: possible_method = getattr(plugin, method_name) if callable(possible_method): return possible_method else: raise ValueError(not_a_method_error_message) except AttributeError as err: raise ValueError(not_a_method_error_message) from err
[docs] def show_method_help( plugin: object | type[object], method_name: str, ) -> None: """Show help on a method as if it was called directly on it. Parameters ---------- plugin : object | type[object], Plugin instance or class. method_name : str Method name, e.g. load_megacomplex. """ method = get_method_from_plugin(plugin, method_name) help(method)
[docs] def methods_differ_from_baseclass( method_names: str | Sequence[str], plugin: GenericPluginInstance | type[GenericPluginInstance], base_class: type[GenericPluginInstance], ) -> Generator[bool, None, None]: """Check if a plugins methods implementation differ from its baseclass. Based on the assumption that ``base_class`` didn't implement the methods (e.g. :class:`DataIoInterface` or :class:`ProjectIoInterface`), this can be used to to create a 'supported methods' list. Parameters ---------- method_names : str | list[str] Name|s of the method|s plugin : GenericPluginInstance | type[GenericPluginInstance] Plugin class or instance. base_class : type[GenericPluginInstance] Base class the plugin inherited from. Yields ------ bool Whether or not a plugins method differs from the implementation in ``base_class``. """ if isinstance(method_names, str): method_names = [method_names] for method_name in method_names: plugin_method = get_method_from_plugin(plugin, method_name) base_class_method = get_method_from_plugin(base_class, method_name) yield plugin_method.__code__ != base_class_method.__code__
[docs] def methods_differ_from_baseclass_table( method_names: str | Sequence[str], plugin_registry_keys: str | Sequence[str], get_plugin_function: Callable[[str], GenericPluginInstance | type[GenericPluginInstance]], base_class: type[GenericPluginInstance], plugin_names: bool = False, ) -> Generator[list[str | bool], None, None]: """Create table of which plugins methods differ from their baseclass. This uses the assumption that all plugins have the same ``base_class``. The main purpose of this function is to show the user which plugin implements which methods differently than its baseclass. Based on the assumption that ``base_class`` didn't implement the methods (e.g. :class:`DataIoInterface` or :class:`ProjectIoInterface`), this can be used to to create a 'supported methods' table. Parameters ---------- method_names : str | list[str] Name|s of the method|s. plugin_registry_keys : str | list[str] Keys the plugins are registered under (e.g. return value of the implementation of func:`registered_plugins`) get_plugin_function: Callable[[str], GenericPluginInstance | type[GenericPluginInstance]] Function to get plugin from plugin registry. base_class : type[GenericPluginInstance] Base class the plugin inherited from. plugin_names : bool Whether or not to add the names of the plugins to the lists. Yields ------ list[str | bool] Row with the first value being the ``plugin_registry_key`` and the others whether or not a plugins method differs from ``base_class``. See Also -------- methods_differ_from_baseclass """ if isinstance(plugin_registry_keys, str): plugin_registry_keys = [plugin_registry_keys] for plugin_registry_key in plugin_registry_keys: plugin = get_plugin_function(plugin_registry_key) differs_list = methods_differ_from_baseclass(method_names, plugin, base_class) row: list[str | bool] = [f"`{plugin_registry_key}`", *differs_list] if plugin_names: if isinstance(plugin, type): row.append(f"`{full_plugin_name(plugin)}`") elif "." in plugin_registry_key: row.append(f"`{plugin_registry_key}`") else: row.append(f"`{full_plugin_name(plugin)}_{plugin_registry_key}`") yield row
[docs] def supported_file_extensions( method_names: str | Sequence[str], plugin_registry_keys: str | Sequence[str], get_plugin_function: Callable[[str], GenericPluginInstance | type[GenericPluginInstance]], base_class: type[GenericPluginInstance], ) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """Get file extensions for plugins that support all methods in ``method_names``. Parameters ---------- method_names : str | list[str] Name|s of the method|s. plugin_registry_keys : str | list[str] Keys the plugins are registered under (e.g. return value of the implementation of func:`registered_plugins`) get_plugin_function: Callable[[str], GenericPluginInstance | type[GenericPluginInstance]] Function to get plugin from plugin registry. base_class : type[GenericPluginInstance] Base class the plugin inherited from. Yields ------ Generator[str, None, None] File extension supported by all methods in ``method_names``. See Also -------- methods_differ_from_baseclass methods_differ_from_baseclass_table """ for plugin_registry_key, *differs_list in methods_differ_from_baseclass_table( method_names, plugin_registry_keys, get_plugin_function, base_class ): format_name_str: str = cast(str, plugin_registry_key).replace("`", "") if format_name_str.endswith("_str"): continue if all(cast(Iterable[bool], differs_list)) is True: yield f".{format_name_str}"