Source code for glotaran.deprecation.deprecation_utils

"""Helper functions to give deprecation warnings."""

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import re
import sys
from import Callable
from import Hashable
from import Mapping
from import MutableMapping
from functools import wraps
from importlib import import_module
from importlib.metadata import distribution
from types import ModuleType
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any
from typing import TypeVar
from typing import cast
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np

DecoratedCallable = TypeVar(
    "DecoratedCallable", bound=Callable[..., Any]
)  # decorated function or class

    from import Sequence
    from typing import NoReturn

[docs] class OverDueDeprecation(Exception): """Error thrown when a deprecation should have been removed. See Also -------- deprecate warn_deprecated deprecate_module_attribute deprecate_submodule deprecate_dict_entry """
[docs] class GlotaranDeprecatedApiError(Exception): """Exception raised when a deprecation has no replacement. See Also -------- deprecate warn_deprecated deprecate_module_attribute deprecate_submodule deprecate_dict_entry """
[docs] class GlotaranApiDeprecationWarning(UserWarning): """Warning to give users about API changes. See Also -------- deprecate warn_deprecated deprecate_module_attribute deprecate_submodule deprecate_dict_entry """
[docs] def glotaran_version() -> str: """Version of the distribution. This is basically the same as ``glotaran.__version__`` but independent from glotaran. This way all of the deprecation functionality can be used even in ```` without moving the import below the definition of ``__version__`` or causing a circular import issue. Returns ------- str The version string. """ return distribution("pyglotaran").version
[docs] def parse_version(version_str: str) -> tuple[int, int, int]: """Parse version string to tuple of three ints for comparison. Parameters ---------- version_str : str Fully qualified version string of the form 'major.minor.patch'. Returns ------- tuple[int, int, int] Version as tuple. Raises ------ ValueError If ``version_str`` has less that three elements separated by ``.``. ValueError If ``version_str`` 's first three elements can not be casted to int. """ error_message = ( "version_str needs to be a fully qualified version consisting of " f"int parts (e.g. '0.0.1'), got {version_str!r}" ) split_version = version_str.partition("-")[0].split(".") if len(split_version) < 3: raise ValueError(error_message) try: return tuple( map(int, (*split_version[:2], split_version[2].partition("rc")[0])) ) # type:ignore[return-value] except ValueError as err: raise ValueError(error_message) from err
[docs] def check_qualnames_in_tests(qual_names: Sequence[str], importable_indices: Sequence[int]): """Test that qualnames import path exists when running tests. All deprecations should be tested anyway in order to get the proper errors when a deprecation is overdue. This helperfunction also helps to ensure that at least the import paths (``qual_names``) of the old and new usage exist. Parameters ---------- qual_names : Sequence[str] Sequence of fully qualified module attribute names, optionally with call arguments. importable_indices: Sequence[int] Indices of corresponding to ``qual_names`` indicating how to slice each ``qual_name`` split at ``.``, for the import and attribute checking. See Also -------- warn_deprecated deprecate """ # Since this is always true for tests run with pytest we ignore the branch coverage if "PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST" in os.environ: # pragma: no branch for qual_name, slice_index in zip(qual_names, importable_indices): qual_name_parts = qual_name.partition("(")[0].partition("[")[0].split(".") module_name = ".".join(qual_name_parts[:-slice_index]) object_name = qual_name_parts[-slice_index] module = __import__(module_name, fromlist=(object_name)) assert hasattr(module, object_name) if slice_index != 1: item = getattr(module, object_name) hasattr(item, qual_name_parts[-slice_index + 1])
[docs] def check_overdue(deprecated_qual_name_usage: str, to_be_removed_in_version: str) -> None: """Check if a deprecation is overdue for removal. Parameters ---------- deprecated_qual_name_usage : str Old usage with fully qualified name e.g.: ``'glotaran.read_model_from_yaml(model_yml_str)'`` to_be_removed_in_version : str Version the support for this usage will be removed. Raises ------ OverDueDeprecation If the current version is greater or equal to ``to_be_removed_in_version``. """ if ( parse_version(glotaran_version()) >= parse_version(to_be_removed_in_version) and "dev" not in glotaran_version() ): raise OverDueDeprecation( f"Support for {deprecated_qual_name_usage.partition('(')[0]!r} was " f"supposed to be dropped in version: {to_be_removed_in_version!r}.\n" f"Current version is: {glotaran_version()!r}" )
[docs] def raise_deprecation_error( *, deprecated_qual_name_usage: str, new_qual_name_usage: str, to_be_removed_in_version: str, ) -> NoReturn: """Raise :class:`GlotaranDeprectedApiError` error, with formatted message. This should only be used if there is no reasonable way to keep the deprecated usage functional! Parameters ---------- deprecated_qual_name_usage : str Old usage with fully qualified name e.g.: ``'glotaran.read_model_from_yaml(model_yml_str)'`` new_qual_name_usage : str New usage as fully qualified name e.g.: ``', format_name="yml_str")'`` to_be_removed_in_version : str Version the support for this usage will be removed. Raises ------ OverDueDeprecation If the current version is greater or equal to ``to_be_removed_in_version``. GlotaranDeprecatedApiError If :class:`OverDueDeprecation` wasn't raised before. .. # noqa: DAR402 OverDueDeprecation .. # noqa: DAR401 GlotaranDeprecatedApiError """ check_overdue(deprecated_qual_name_usage, to_be_removed_in_version) message = ( f"Usage of {deprecated_qual_name_usage!r} was deprecated, " f"use {new_qual_name_usage!r} instead.\n" "It wasn't possible to restore the original behavior of this usage " "(most likely due to an object hierarchy change)." "This usage change message won't be show as of version: " f"{to_be_removed_in_version!r}." ) raise GlotaranDeprecatedApiError(message)
[docs] def warn_deprecated( *, deprecated_qual_name_usage: str, new_qual_name_usage: str, to_be_removed_in_version: str, check_qual_names: tuple[bool, bool] = (True, True), stacklevel: int = 2, importable_indices: tuple[int, int] = (1, 1), ) -> None: """Raise deprecation warning with change information. The change information are old / new usage information and end of support version. Parameters ---------- deprecated_qual_name_usage : str Old usage with fully qualified name e.g.: ``'glotaran.read_model_from_yaml(model_yml_str)'`` new_qual_name_usage : str New usage as fully qualified name e.g.: ``', format_name="yml_str")'`` to_be_removed_in_version : str Version the support for this usage will be removed. check_qual_names : tuple[bool, bool] Whether or not to check for the existence ``deprecated_qual_name_usage`` and ``deprecated_qual_name_usage`` * Set the first value to False to prevent infinite recursion error when changing a module attribute import. * Set the second value to False if the new usage in in a different package or there is none. stacklevel: int Stack at which the warning should be shown as raise. Default: 2 importable_indices : tuple[int, int] Indices from right for most nested item which is importable for ``deprecated_qual_name_usage`` and ``new_qual_name_usage`` after splitting at ``.``. This is used when the old or new usage is a method or mapping access. E.g. let ``deprecated_qual_name_usage`` be ``package.module.class.mapping["key"]``, then you would use ``importable_indices=(2, 1)``, this way func:`check_qualnames_in_tests` will import ``package.module.class`` and check if ``class`` has an attribute ``mapping``. Raises ------ OverDueDeprecation If the current version is greater or equal to ``to_be_removed_in_version``. See Also -------- deprecate deprecate_module_attribute deprecate_submodule check_qualnames_in_tests Examples -------- This is the way the old ``read_parameters_from_yaml_file`` could deprecated and the usage of ``load_model`` being promoted instead. .. code-block:: python :caption: glotaran/deprecation/modules/ def read_parameters_from_yaml_file(model_path: str): warn_deprecated( deprecated_qual_name_usage="glotaran.read_parameters_from_yaml_file(model_path)", new_qual_name_usage="", to_be_removed_in_version="0.6.0", ) return load_model(model_path) .. # noqa: DAR402 """ check_overdue(deprecated_qual_name_usage, to_be_removed_in_version) qual_names = (deprecated_qual_name_usage, new_qual_name_usage) selected_qual_names = [ qual_name for qual_name, check in zip(qual_names, check_qual_names) if check ] selected_indices = importable_indices[: len(selected_qual_names)] check_qualnames_in_tests(qual_names=selected_qual_names, importable_indices=selected_indices) warn( GlotaranApiDeprecationWarning( f"Usage of {deprecated_qual_name_usage!r} was deprecated, " f"use {new_qual_name_usage!r} instead.\n" f"This usage will be an error in version: {to_be_removed_in_version!r}." ), stacklevel=stacklevel, )
[docs] def deprecate( *, deprecated_qual_name_usage: str, new_qual_name_usage: str, to_be_removed_in_version: str, has_glotaran_replacement: bool = True, importable_indices: tuple[int, int] = (1, 1), ) -> Callable[[DecoratedCallable], DecoratedCallable]: """Decorate a function, method or class to deprecate it. This raises deprecation warning with old / new usage information and end of support version. Parameters ---------- deprecated_qual_name_usage : str Old usage with fully qualified name e.g.: ``'glotaran.read_model_from_yaml(model_yml_str)'`` new_qual_name_usage : str New usage as fully qualified name e.g.: ``', format_name="yml_str")'`` to_be_removed_in_version : str Version the support for this usage will be removed. has_glotaran_replacement : bool Whether or not this functionality has a replacement in core pyglotaran. This will be mapped to the second entry of ``check_qualnames`` in :func:`warn_deprecated`. importable_indices : Sequence[int] Indices from right for most nested item which is importable for ``deprecated_qual_name_usage`` and ``new_qual_name_usage`` after splitting at ``.``. This is used when the old or new usage is a method or mapping access. E.g. let ``deprecated_qual_name_usage`` be ``package.module.class.mapping["key"]``, then you would use ``importable_indices=(2, 1)``, this way func:`check_qualnames_in_tests` will import ``package.module.class`` and check if ``class`` has an attribute ``mapping``. Default Returns ------- DecoratedCallable Original function or class throwing a Deprecation warning when used. Raises ------ OverDueDeprecation If the current version is greater or equal to ``to_be_removed_in_version``. See Also -------- warn_deprecated deprecate_module_attribute deprecate_submodule check_qualnames_in_tests Examples -------- This is the way the old ``read_parameters_from_yaml_file`` was deprecated and the usage of ``load_model`` was promoted instead. .. code-block:: python :caption: glotaran/deprecation/modules/ @deprecate( deprecated_qualname_usage="glotaran.read_parameters_from_yaml_file(model_path)", new_qualname_usage="", to_be_removed_in_version="0.6.0", ) def read_parameters_from_yaml_file(model_path: str): return load_model(model_path) .. # noqa: DAR402 """ def inject_warn_into_call(deprecated_object: DecoratedCallable) -> DecoratedCallable: """Wrap warning into function call. Used on deprecated_object.__new__ if it's a class or else on deprecated_object. """ @wraps(deprecated_object) def inner_wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> DecoratedCallable: """Wrap running the function and warning.""" warn_deprecated( deprecated_qual_name_usage=deprecated_qual_name_usage, new_qual_name_usage=new_qual_name_usage, to_be_removed_in_version=to_be_removed_in_version, stacklevel=3, check_qual_names=(True, has_glotaran_replacement), importable_indices=importable_indices, ) return deprecated_object(*args, **kwargs) return cast(DecoratedCallable, inner_wrapper) def outer_wrapper(deprecated_object: DecoratedCallable) -> DecoratedCallable: """Wrap deprecated_object of all callable kinds.""" if not isinstance(deprecated_object, type): return cast(DecoratedCallable, inject_warn_into_call(deprecated_object)) setattr( deprecated_object, "__new__", inject_warn_into_call(deprecated_object.__new__), ) return deprecated_object # type: ignore[return-value] return cast(Callable[[DecoratedCallable], DecoratedCallable], outer_wrapper)
[docs] def deprecate_dict_entry( *, dict_to_check: MutableMapping[Hashable, Any], deprecated_usage: str, new_usage: str, to_be_removed_in_version: str, swap_keys: tuple[Hashable, Hashable] | None = None, replace_rules: tuple[Mapping[Hashable, Any], Mapping[Hashable, Any]] | None = None, stacklevel: int = 3, ) -> None: """Replace dict entry inplace and warn about usage change, if present in the dict. Parameters ---------- dict_to_check : MutableMapping[Hashable, Any] Dict which should be checked. deprecated_usage : str Old usage to inform user (only used in warning). new_usage : str New usage to inform user (only used in warning). to_be_removed_in_version : str Version the support for this usage will be removed. swap_keys : tuple[Hashable, Hashable] (old_key, new_key), ``dict_to_check[new_key]`` will be assigned the value ``dict_to_check[old_key]`` and ``old_key`` will be removed from the dict. by default None replace_rules : Mapping[Hashable, tuple[Any, Any]] ({old_key: old_value}, {new_key: new_value}), If ``dict_to_check[old_key]`` has the value ``old_value``, ``dict_to_check[new_key]`` it will be set to ``new_value``. ``old_key`` will be removed from the dict if ``old_key`` and ``new_key`` aren't equal. by default None stacklevel : int Stack at which the warning should be shown as raise. , by default 3 Raises ------ ValueError If both ``swap_keys`` and ``replace_rules`` are None (default) or not None. OverDueDeprecation If the current version is greater or equal to ``to_be_removed_in_version``. See Also -------- warn_deprecated Notes ----- To prevent confusion exactly one of ``replace_rules`` and ``swap_keys`` needs to be passed. Examples -------- For readability sake the warnings won't be shown in the examples. Swapping key names: >>> dict_to_check = {"foo": 123} >>> deprecate_dict_entry( dict_to_check=dict_to_check, deprecated_usage="foo", new_usage="bar", to_be_removed_in_version="0.6.0", swap_keys=("foo", "bar") ) >>> dict_to_check {"bar": 123} Changing values: >>> dict_to_check = {"foo": 123} >>> deprecate_dict_entry( dict_to_check=dict_to_check, deprecated_usage="foo: 123", new_usage="foo: 123.0", to_be_removed_in_version="0.6.0", replace_rules=({"foo": 123}, {"foo": 123.0}) ) >>> dict_to_check {"foo": 123.0} Swapping key names AND changing values: >>> dict_to_check = {"type": "kinetic-spectrum"} >>> deprecate_dict_entry( dict_to_check=dict_to_check, deprecated_usage="type: kinectic-spectrum", new_usage="default_megacomplex: decay", to_be_removed_in_version="0.6.0", replace_rules=({"type": "kinetic-spectrum"}, {"default_megacomplex": "decay"}) ) >>> dict_to_check {"default_megacomplex": "decay"} .. # noqa: DAR402 """ dict_changed = False if not np.logical_xor(swap_keys is None, replace_rules is None): raise ValueError( "Exactly one of the parameters `swap_keys` or `replace_rules` needs to be provided." ) if swap_keys is not None and swap_keys[0] in dict_to_check: dict_changed = True dict_to_check[swap_keys[1]] = dict_to_check[swap_keys[0]] del dict_to_check[swap_keys[0]] if replace_rules is not None: old_key, old_value = next(iter(replace_rules[0].items())) new_key, new_value = next(iter(replace_rules[1].items())) if old_key in dict_to_check and dict_to_check[old_key] == old_value: dict_changed = True dict_to_check[new_key] = new_value if new_key != old_key: del dict_to_check[old_key] if dict_changed: warn_deprecated( deprecated_qual_name_usage=deprecated_usage, new_qual_name_usage=new_usage, to_be_removed_in_version=to_be_removed_in_version, stacklevel=stacklevel, check_qual_names=(False, False), )
[docs] def module_attribute(module_qual_name: str, attribute_name: str) -> Any: """Import and return the attribute (e.g. function or class) of a module. This is basically the same as ``from module_name import attribute_name as return_value`` where this function returns ``return_value``. Parameters ---------- module_qual_name : str Fully qualified name for a module e.g. ``glotaran.model.base_model`` attribute_name : str Name of the attribute e.g. ``Model`` Returns ------- Any Attribute of the module, e.g. a function or class. """ module = import_module(module_qual_name) return getattr(module, attribute_name)
[docs] def deprecate_module_attribute( *, deprecated_qual_name: str, new_qual_name: str, to_be_removed_in_version: str, module_load_overwrite: str = "", ) -> Any: """Import and return and anttribute from the new location. This needs to be wrapped in the definition of a module wide ``__getattr__`` function so it won't throw warnings all the time (see example). Parameters ---------- deprecated_qual_name : str Fully qualified name of the deprecated attribute e.g.: ``glotaran.ParameterGroup`` new_qual_name : str Fully qualified name of the new attribute e.g.: ``glotaran.parameter.ParameterGroup`` to_be_removed_in_version : str Version the support for this usage will be removed. module_load_overwrite : str Overwrite the location the functionality will be set from. This allows preserving functionality without polluting a new module with code just for the sake of it. By default '' Returns ------- Any Module attribute from its new location. Raises ------ OverDueDeprecation If the current version is greater or equal to ``to_be_removed_in_version``. See Also -------- deprecate warn_deprecated deprecate_submodule Examples -------- When deprecating the usage of ``ParameterGroup`` the root of ``glotaran`` and promoting to import it from ``glotaran.parameter`` the following code was added to the root ````. .. code-block:: python :caption: glotaran/ def __getattr__(attribute_name: str): from glotaran.deprecation import deprecate_module_attribute if attribute_name == "ParameterGroup": return deprecate_module_attribute( deprecated_qual_name="glotaran.ParameterGroup", new_qual_name="glotaran.parameter.ParameterGroup", to_be_removed_in_version="0.6.0", ) raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__} has no attribute {attribute_name}") .. # noqa: DAR402 """ if not module_load_overwrite: module_name = ".".join(new_qual_name.split(".")[:-1]) attribute_name = new_qual_name.split(".")[-1] check_qual_names = (False, True) else: module_name = ".".join(module_load_overwrite.split(".")[:-1]) attribute_name = module_load_overwrite.split(".")[-1] check_qual_names = (False, False) warn_deprecated( deprecated_qual_name_usage=re.sub(r"\.__path__$", "", deprecated_qual_name), new_qual_name_usage=re.sub(r"\.__path__$", "", new_qual_name), to_be_removed_in_version=to_be_removed_in_version, check_qual_names=check_qual_names, stacklevel=4, importable_indices=(1, 1), ) return module_attribute(module_name, attribute_name)
[docs] def deprecate_submodule( *, deprecated_module_name: str, new_module_name: str, to_be_removed_in_version: str, module_load_overwrite: str = "", ) -> ModuleType: r"""Create a module at runtime which retrieves attributes from new module. When moving a module, create a variable with the modules name in the parent packages ````, so imports will be redirected to the new module location and a deprecation warning will be given, to help the user adjust the outdated code. Each time an attribute is retrieved there will be a deprecation warning. Parameters ---------- deprecated_module_name : str Fully qualified name of the deprecated module e.g.: ``'glotaran.analysis.result'`` new_module_name : str Fully qualified name of the new module e.g.: ``'glotaran.project.result'`` to_be_removed_in_version : str Version the support for this usage will be removed. module_load_overwrite : str Overwrite the location for the new module the deprecated functionality is loaded from. This allows preserving functionality without polluting a new module with code just for the sake of it. By default '' Returns ------- ModuleType Module containing Raises ------ OverDueDeprecation If the current version is greater or equal to ``to_be_removed_in_version``. See Also -------- deprecate deprecate_module_attribute Examples -------- When moving the module ``result`` from ``glotaran.analysis.result`` to ``glotaran.project.result`` the following code was added to the old parent packages (``glotaran.analysis``) ````. .. code-block:: python :caption: glotaran/analysis/ from glotaran.deprecation.deprecation_utils import deprecate_submodule result = deprecate_submodule( deprecated_module_name="glotaran.analysis.result", new_module_name="glotaran.project.result", to_be_removed_in_version="0.6.0", ) .. # noqa: DAR402 """ new_module = ( import_module(module_load_overwrite) if module_load_overwrite else import_module(new_module_name) ) deprecated_module = ModuleType( deprecated_module_name, f"Deprecated use {new_module_name!r} instead.\n\n{new_module.__doc__}", ) def warn_getattr(attribute_name: str): if attribute_name == "__file__": return new_module.__file__ elif attribute_name in dir(new_module): return deprecate_module_attribute( deprecated_qual_name=f"{deprecated_module_name}.{attribute_name}", new_qual_name=f"{new_module_name}.{attribute_name}", to_be_removed_in_version=to_be_removed_in_version, module_load_overwrite=module_load_overwrite and f"{module_load_overwrite}.{attribute_name}", ) raise AttributeError(f"module {deprecated_module_name} has no attribute {attribute_name}") setattr(deprecated_module, "__getattr__", warn_getattr) setattr(deprecated_module, "__package__", deprecated_module_name.split(".")[:-1]) setattr(deprecated_module, "__dir__", new_module.__dir__) sys.modules[deprecated_module_name] = deprecated_module return deprecated_module