Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import os.path
import re
from enum import Enum
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

from import DataIoInterface
from import register_data_io
from import prepare_time_trace_dataset

[docs] class DataFileType(Enum): time_explicit = "Time explicit" wavelength_explicit = "Wavelength explicit"
[docs] class ExplicitFile: """ Abstract class representing either a time- or wavelength-explicit file. """ # TODO: implement time_intervals def __init__(self, filepath: str | None = None, dataset: xr.DataArray | None = None): self._file_data_format = None self._observations = [] # TODO: choose name: data_points, observations, data self._times = [] self._spectral_indices = [] self._label = "" self._comment = "" absfilepath = os.path.realpath(filepath) if dataset is not None: self._observations = np.array(dataset.values).T self._times = np.array(dataset.coords["time"]) self._spectral_indices = np.array(dataset.coords["spectral"]) self._file = filepath elif os.path.isfile(filepath): self._file = filepath elif os.path.isfile(absfilepath): self._file = absfilepath else: raise Exception(f"Path does not exist: {filepath}, {absfilepath}")
[docs] def get_explicit_axis(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_explicit_axis(self, axis): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_secondary_axis(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_data_row(self, index): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_observations(self, index): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_format_name(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def write( self, overwrite=False, comment="", file_format=DataFileType.time_explicit, number_format="%.10e", ): # TODO: write a more elegant method if os.path.isfile(self._file) and not overwrite: raise FileExistsError(f"File already exist:\n{self._file}") comment = f"{self._comment} {comment}" comments = f"# Filename: {str(self._file)}\n{' '.join(comment.splitlines())}\n" if file_format == DataFileType.wavelength_explicit: wav = "\t".join(repr(num) for num in self._spectral_indices) header = ( f"{comments}Wavelength explicit\nIntervalnr {len(self._spectral_indices)}\n{wav}" ) raw_data = np.vstack((self._times.T, self._observations)).T elif file_format == DataFileType.time_explicit: tim = "\t".join(repr(num) for num in self._times) header = f"{comments}Time explicit\nIntervalnr {len(self._times)}\n{tim}" raw_data = np.vstack((self._spectral_indices.T, self._observations.T)).T else: raise NotImplementedError np.savetxt( self._file, raw_data, fmt=number_format, delimiter="\t", newline="\n", header=header, footer="", comments="", )
[docs] def read(self, prepare: bool = True): if not os.path.isfile(self._file): raise FileNotFoundError("File does not exist.") with open(self._file) as f: f.readline() # The first two lines are comments f.readline() # The third line defines the ExplicitFileFormat (Time or Wavelength explicit) self._file_data_format = get_data_file_format(f.readline()) # The fourth line define the number of elements on the explicit axis, which # we can ignore because pandas is intelligent enough to read it # read the first line (explicit_axis) separately explicit_axis = pd.read_csv( self._file, skiprows=4, delimiter=r"\s+", header=None, nrows=1 ).values explicit_axis = explicit_axis[0, :] # reshape to (n,) # then the rest of the data: rest_of_data = pd.read_csv(self._file, skiprows=5, delimiter=r"\s+", header=None).values secondary_axis = rest_of_data[:, 0] observations = rest_of_data[:, 1:] if self._file_data_format == DataFileType.time_explicit: self._times = explicit_axis # (501,) self._spectral_indices = secondary_axis # (51,) self._observations = observations # len(observation)=51 . (51, 501) elif self._file_data_format == DataFileType.wavelength_explicit: self._spectral_indices = explicit_axis self._times = secondary_axis self._observations = observations else: raise NotImplementedError() return self.dataset(prepare=prepare)
[docs] def dataset(self, prepare: bool = True) -> xr.Dataset | xr.DataArray: data = self._observations if self._file_data_format == DataFileType.time_explicit: data = data.T dataset = xr.DataArray( data, coords=[("time", self._times), ("spectral", self._spectral_indices)] ) if prepare: dataset = prepare_time_trace_dataset(dataset) return dataset
[docs] class WavelengthExplicitFile(ExplicitFile): """ Represents a wavelength explicit file """
[docs] def get_explicit_axis(self): return self._spectral_indices
[docs] def get_secondary_axis(self): return self.observations()
[docs] def get_data_row(self, index): return []
[docs] def add_data_row(self, row): if self._timepoints is None: self._timepoints = [] self._timepoints.append(float(row.pop(0))) if self._spectra is None: self._spectra = [] self._spectra.append(float(row))
[docs] def get_format_name(self): return DataFileType.wavelength_explicit
[docs] def times(self): return self.get_secondary_axis()
[docs] def wavelengths(self): return self.get_explicit_axis()
[docs] class TimeExplicitFile(ExplicitFile): """ Represents a time explicit file """
[docs] def get_explicit_axis(self): return self.observations()
[docs] def set_explicit_axis(self, axies): self._timepoints = float(axies)
[docs] def get_secondary_axis(self): return self.channel_labels
[docs] def get_data_row(self, index): return self.get_channel(self.channel_labels()[index])
[docs] def add_data_row(self, row): if self._spectral_indices is None: self._spectral_indices = [] self._spectral_indices.append(row.pop(0)) if self._spectra is None: self._spectra = [] self._spectra.append(float(row))
[docs] def get_format_name(self): return DataFileType.time_explicit
[docs] def get_interval_number(line): match ="intervalnr\s(.*)", line.strip().lower()) interval_number = match[1] if match else None if not interval_number: interval_number ="\d+", line[::-1]).group()[::-1] try: interval_number = int(interval_number) except ValueError: warn(f"No interval number found in line:\n{line}") interval_number = None return interval_number
[docs] def get_data_file_format(line): data_file_format = None if"time\s+explicit|time\t+explicit", line.strip().lower()): # print("Time explicit format") #TODO: verbosity / debug statement data_file_format = DataFileType.time_explicit elif"wavelength\s+explicit|wavelength\t+explicit", line.strip().lower()): # print("Wavelength explicit format") #TODO: verbosity / debug statement data_file_format = DataFileType.wavelength_explicit else: raise NotImplementedError() return data_file_format
# @file_reader(extension="ascii", name="Wavelength-/Time-Explicit ASCII")
[docs] @register_data_io("ascii") class AsciiDataIo(DataIoInterface):
[docs] def load_dataset(self, file_name: str, *, prepare: bool = True) -> xr.Dataset | xr.DataArray: """Reads an ascii file in wavelength- or time-explicit format. See [1]_ for documentation of this format. Parameters ---------- fname : str Name of the ascii file. Returns ------- dataset : xr.Dataset Notes ----- .. [1] """ with open(file_name) as f: f.readline() # Read first line with comments (and discard for now) f.readline() # Read second line with comments (and discard for now) data_file_format = get_data_file_format(f.readline()) data_file = ( WavelengthExplicitFile(filepath=file_name) if data_file_format is DataFileType.wavelength_explicit else TimeExplicitFile(file_name) ) return
[docs] def save_dataset( self, dataset: xr.DataArray | xr.Dataset, file_name: str, *, comment: str = "", file_format: DataFileType = DataFileType.time_explicit, number_format: str = "%.10e", ): if isinstance(dataset, xr.Dataset) and "data" in dataset: dataset = warn( UserWarning( "Saving the 'data' attribute of 'dataset' as a fallback." "Result saving for ascii format only supports xarray.DataArray format, " "please pass a xarray.DataArray instead of a xarray.Dataset " "(e.g." ), stacklevel=4, ) data_file = ( TimeExplicitFile(filepath=file_name, dataset=dataset) if file_format is DataFileType.time_explicit else WavelengthExplicitFile(filepath=file_name, dataset=dataset) ) data_file.write( overwrite=True, comment=comment, file_format=file_format, number_format=number_format )