Source code for glotaran.simulation.simulation

"""Functions for simulating a dataset using a global optimization model."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from glotaran.model import DatasetModel
from glotaran.model.dataset_model import get_dataset_model_model_dimension
from glotaran.model.dataset_model import has_dataset_model_global_model
from glotaran.model.item import fill_item
from glotaran.optimization.matrix_provider import MatrixProvider

    from glotaran.model import Model
    from glotaran.parameter import Parameters
    from glotaran.typing.types import ArrayLike

[docs] def simulate( model: Model, dataset: str, parameters: Parameters, coordinates: dict[str, ArrayLike], clp: xr.DataArray | None = None, noise: bool = False, noise_std_dev: float = 1.0, noise_seed: int | None = None, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Simulate a dataset using a model. Parameters ---------- model : Model The model containing the dataset model. dataset : str Label of the dataset to simulate parameters : Parameters The parameters for the simulation. coordinates : dict[str, ArrayLike] A dictionary with the coordinates used for simulation (e.g. time, wavelengths, ...). clp : xr.DataArray | None A matrix with conditionally linear parameters (e.g. spectra, pixel intensity, ...). Will be used instead of the dataset's global megacomplexes if not None. noise : bool Add noise to the simulation. noise_std_dev : float The standard deviation for noise simulation. noise_seed : int | None The seed for the noise simulation. Returns ------- xr.Dataset The simulated dataset. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if dataset model has no global megacomplex and no clp are provided. """ dataset_model = fill_item(model.dataset[dataset], model, parameters) model_dimension = get_dataset_model_model_dimension(dataset_model) model_axis = coordinates[model_dimension] global_dimension = next(dim for dim in coordinates if dim != model_dimension) global_axis = coordinates[global_dimension] if has_dataset_model_global_model(dataset_model): result = simulate_full_model( dataset_model, global_dimension, global_axis, model_dimension, model_axis ) elif clp is None: raise ValueError( f"Cannot simulate dataset '{dataset}'. " "No global megacomplex is defined and no clp provided." ) else: result = simulate_from_clp( dataset_model, global_dimension, global_axis, model_dimension, model_axis, clp ) if noise: if noise_seed is not None: np.random.seed(noise_seed) result["data"] = (, np.random.normal(, noise_std_dev)) return result
[docs] def simulate_from_clp( dataset_model: DatasetModel, global_dimension: str, global_axis: ArrayLike, model_dimension: str, model_axis: ArrayLike, clp: xr.DataArray, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Simulate a dataset model from pre-defined conditionally linear parameters. Parameters ---------- dataset_model : DatasetModel The dataset model to simulate. global_dimension : str The global dimension of the dataset. global_axis : ArrayLike The global axis of the dataset. model_dimension : str The model dimension of the dataset. model_axis : ArrayLike The model axis of the dataset. clp : xr.DataArray A matrix with conditionally linear parameters. Returns ------- xr.Dataset The simulated dataset. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if the clp are missing the dimension 'clp_label'. """ if "clp_label" not in clp.coords: raise ValueError("Missing coordinate 'clp_label' in clp.") matrix = MatrixProvider.calculate_dataset_matrix(dataset_model, global_axis, model_axis) result = xr.DataArray( np.zeros((model_axis.size, global_axis.size)), coords=[ (model_dimension, model_axis), (global_dimension, global_axis), ], ) result = result.to_dataset(name="data") for i in range(global_axis.size): this_matrix = matrix.matrix[i] if matrix.is_index_dependent else matrix.matrix[:, i] = this_matrix, clp.isel({global_dimension: i}).sel({"clp_label": matrix.clp_labels}), ) return result
[docs] def simulate_full_model( dataset_model: DatasetModel, global_dimension: str, global_axis: ArrayLike, model_dimension: str, model_axis: ArrayLike, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Simulate a dataset model with global megacomplexes. Parameters ---------- dataset_model : DatasetModel The dataset model to simulate. global_dimension : str The global dimension of the dataset. global_axis : ArrayLike The global axis of the dataset. model_dimension : str The model dimension of the dataset. model_axis : ArrayLike The model axis of the dataset. Returns ------- xr.Dataset The simulated dataset. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if at least one of the dataset model's global megacomplexes is index dependent. """ global_matrix = MatrixProvider.calculate_dataset_matrix( dataset_model, global_axis, model_axis, global_matrix=True ) if global_matrix.is_index_dependent: raise ValueError("Index dependent models for global dimension are not supported.") global_clp_labels = global_matrix.clp_labels global_matrix = xr.DataArray( global_matrix.matrix.T, coords=[ ("clp_label", global_clp_labels), (global_dimension, global_axis), ], ) return simulate_from_clp( dataset_model, global_dimension, global_axis, model_dimension, model_axis, global_matrix )