Source code for glotaran.project.project_registry

"""The glotaran registry module."""

from __future__ import annotations

from import Callable
from import Iterable
from import Iterator
from import Mapping
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
from warnings import warn

from glotaran.utils.ipython import MarkdownStr

[docs] class AmbiguousNameWarning(UserWarning): """Warning thrown when an item with the same name already exists. This is the case if two files with the same name but different extensions exist next to each other. """ def __init__( self, *, item_name: str, items: dict[str, Path], item_key: str, unique_item_key: str, project_root_path: Path, ): """Initialize ``AmbiguousNameWarning`` with a formatted message. Parameters ---------- item_name: str Name of items in the registry (e.g. 'Parameters'). items: dict[str, Path] Known items at this iteration point. item_key: str Key that would have been used if the file names weren't ambiguous. unique_item_key: str Unique key for the item with ambiguous file name. project_root_path: Path Root path of the project. """ ambiguous_file_names = [ value.relative_to(project_root_path).as_posix() for key, value in items.items() if key.startswith(item_key) ] super().__init__( f"The {item_name} name {item_key!r} is ambiguous since it could " f"refer to the following files: {ambiguous_file_names}\n" f"The file {items[unique_item_key].relative_to(project_root_path).as_posix()!r} " f"will be accessible by the name {unique_item_key!r}. \n" f"While {item_key!r} refers to the file " f"{items[item_key].relative_to(project_root_path).as_posix()!r}.\n" "Rename the files with unambiguous names to silence this warning." )
[docs] class ItemMapping(Mapping): """Container class for ``ProjectRegistry`` items. The main purpose of this class is to show a user friendly error when accessing none existing items. """ def __init__(self, data: Mapping[str, Path], item_name: str) -> None: """Initialize class instance as wrapper around ``data``. Parameters ---------- data: Mapping[str, Path] Underlying data that are used for mapping. item_name: str Name of items in the registry used to format warning and exception (e.g. 'Parameters'). """ = dict(sorted(data.items())) self._item_name = item_name def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Path: """Protocol method used when accessing an item.""" if key in return[key] raise ValueError( f"{self._item_name} '{key}' does not exist. " f"Known {self._item_name.rstrip('s')}s are: {list(}" ) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: """Protocol method used when iterating over an instance.""" return iter( def __len__(self) -> int: """Protocol method used by ``len``.""" return len( def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """Protocol method used for equality checks.""" if isinstance(other, ItemMapping): return == if isinstance(other, Mapping): # sourcery skip: assign-if-exp return == other return NotImplemented def __repr__(self) -> str: """Protocol method used to display instance.""" return repr(
[docs] class ProjectRegistry: """A registry base class.""" def __init__( self, directory: Path, file_suffix: str | Iterable[str], loader: Callable, item_name: str ): """Initialize a registry. Parameters ---------- directory : Path The registry directory. file_suffix : str | Iterable[str] The suffixes of item files. loader : Callable A loader for the registry items. item_name: str Name of items in the registry used to format warning and exception (e.g. 'Parameters'). """ self._directory: Path = directory self._file_suffix: tuple[str, ...] = ( (file_suffix,) if isinstance(file_suffix, str) else tuple(file_suffix) ) self._loader: Callable = loader self._item_name = item_name self._create_directory_if_not_exist() @property def directory(self) -> Path: """Get the registry directory. Returns ------- Path The registry directory. """ return self._directory @property def empty(self) -> bool: """Whether the registry is empty. Returns ------- bool Whether the registry is empty. """ return len(self.items) == 0 @property def items(self) -> ItemMapping: """Get the items of the registry. Returns ------- ItemMapping The items of the registry. """ items = {} for path in sorted(self._directory.rglob("*")): if self.is_item(path) is True: rel_parent_path = path.parent.relative_to(self._directory) item_key = (rel_parent_path / path.stem).as_posix() if item_key not in items: items[item_key] = path else: unique_item_key = (rel_parent_path / items[unique_item_key] = path warn( AmbiguousNameWarning( item_name=self._item_name, items=items, item_key=item_key, unique_item_key=unique_item_key, project_root_path=self._directory.parent, ), stacklevel=3, ) return ItemMapping(items, self._item_name)
[docs] def is_item(self, path: Path) -> bool: """Check if the path contains an registry item. Parameters ---------- path : Path The path to check. Returns ------- bool : Whether the path contains an item. """ return path.suffix in self._file_suffix
[docs] def load_item(self, name: str) -> Any: """Load an registry item by it's name. Parameters ---------- name : str The item name. Returns ------- Any The loaded item. Raises ------ ValueError Raise if the item does not exist. .. # noqa: DAR402 """ return self._loader(self.items[name])
[docs] def markdown(self, join_indentation: int = 0) -> MarkdownStr: """Format the registry items as a markdown text. Parameters ---------- join_indentation: int Number of whitespaces to indent when joining the parts. This is intended to be used with dedent when used in an indented f-string. Defaults to 0. Returns ------- MarkdownStr : str The markdown string. """ if self.empty: return MarkdownStr("_None_") join_str = " " * join_indentation md = join_str.join(f"* {name}\n" for name in self.items) return MarkdownStr(md)
def _create_directory_if_not_exist(self): """Create the registry directory if it does not exist.""" self._directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)