Source code for glotaran.optimization.matrix_provider

"""Module containing the matrix provider classes."""

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses import replace
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from glotaran.model import DatasetGroup
from glotaran.model import DatasetModel
from glotaran.model.dataset_model import has_dataset_model_global_model
from glotaran.model.dataset_model import iterate_dataset_model_global_megacomplexes
from glotaran.model.dataset_model import iterate_dataset_model_megacomplexes
from glotaran.model.interval_item import IntervalItem
from glotaran.model.item import fill_item
from glotaran.optimization.data_provider import DataProvider
from glotaran.optimization.data_provider import DataProviderLinked

    from glotaran.typing.types import ArrayLike

[docs] @dataclass class MatrixContainer: """A container of matrix and the corresponding clp labels.""" clp_labels: list[str] """The clp labels.""" matrix: np.ndarray """The matrix.""" @property def is_index_dependent(self) -> bool: """Check if the matrix is index dependent. Returns ------- bool Whether the matrix is index dependent. """ return len(self.matrix.shape) == 3
[docs] @staticmethod def apply_weight(matrix: ArrayLike, weight: ArrayLike) -> ArrayLike: """Apply weight on a matrix. Parameters ---------- matrix : ArrayLike The matrix. weight : ArrayLike The weight. Returns ------- ArrayLike The weighted matrix. """ return (matrix.T * weight).T
[docs] def create_weighted_matrix(self, weight: ArrayLike) -> MatrixContainer: """Create a matrix container with a weighted matrix. Parameters ---------- weight : ArrayLike The weight. Returns ------- MatrixContainer The weighted matrix. """ return replace(self, matrix=self.apply_weight(self.matrix, weight))
[docs] def create_scaled_matrix(self, scale: float) -> MatrixContainer: """Create a matrix container with a scaled matrix. Parameters ---------- scale : float The scale. Returns ------- MatrixContainer The scaled matrix. """ return replace(self, matrix=self.matrix * scale)
[docs] class MatrixProvider: """A class to provide matrix calculations for optimization.""" def __init__(self, dataset_group: DatasetGroup): """Initialize a matrix provider for a dataset group. Parameters ---------- dataset_group : DatasetGroup The dataset group. """ self._group = dataset_group self._matrix_containers: dict[str, MatrixContainer] = {} self._global_matrix_containers: dict[str, MatrixContainer] = {} self._data_provider: DataProvider @property def group(self) -> DatasetGroup: """Get the dataset group. Returns ------- DatasetGroup The dataset group. """ return self._group
[docs] def get_matrix_container(self, dataset_label: str) -> MatrixContainer: """Get the matrix container for a dataset on an index on the global axis. Parameters ---------- dataset_label : str The label of the dataset. Returns ------- MatrixContainer The matrix container. """ return self._matrix_containers[dataset_label]
[docs] def calculate_dataset_matrices(self): """Calculate the matrices of the datasets in the dataset group.""" for label, dataset_model in model_axis = self._data_provider.get_model_axis(label) global_axis = self._data_provider.get_global_axis(label) self._matrix_containers[label] = self.calculate_dataset_matrix( dataset_model, global_axis, model_axis )
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_dataset_matrix( dataset_model: DatasetModel, global_axis: ArrayLike, model_axis: ArrayLike, global_matrix: bool = False, ) -> MatrixContainer: """Calculate the matrix for a dataset on an index on the global axis. Parameters ---------- dataset_model : DatasetModel The dataset model. global_axis: ArrayLike The global axis. model_axis: ArrayLike The model axis. global_matrix: bool Calculate the global megacomplexes if `True`. Returns ------- MatrixContainer The resulting matrix container. """ clp_labels: list[str] = [] matrix = None megacomplex_iterator = iterate_dataset_model_megacomplexes(dataset_model) if global_matrix: megacomplex_iterator = iterate_dataset_model_global_megacomplexes(dataset_model) model_axis, global_axis = global_axis, model_axis for scale, megacomplex in megacomplex_iterator: this_clp_labels, this_matrix = megacomplex.calculate_matrix( # type:ignore[union-attr] dataset_model, global_axis, model_axis ) if scale is not None: this_matrix *= scale if matrix is None: clp_labels = this_clp_labels matrix = this_matrix else: clp_labels, matrix = MatrixProvider.combine_megacomplex_matrices( matrix, this_matrix, clp_labels, this_clp_labels ) return MatrixContainer(clp_labels, matrix) # type:ignore[arg-type]
[docs] @staticmethod def combine_megacomplex_matrices( matrix_left: ArrayLike, matrix_right: ArrayLike, clp_labels_left: list[str], clp_labels_right: list[str], ) -> tuple[list[str], ArrayLike]: """Calculate the matrix for a dataset on an index on the global axis. Parameters ---------- matrix_left: ArrayLike The left matrix. matrix_right: ArrayLike The right matrix. clp_labels_left: list[str] The left clp labels. clp_labels_right: list[str] The right clp labels. Returns ------- tuple[list[str], ArrayLike]: The combined clp labels and matrix. """ result_clp_labels = clp_labels_left + [ c for c in clp_labels_right if c not in clp_labels_left ] result_clp_size = len(result_clp_labels) if len(matrix_left.shape) < len(matrix_right.shape): matrix_left, matrix_right = matrix_right, matrix_left left_index_dependent = len(matrix_left.shape) == 3 right_index_dependent = len(matrix_right.shape) == 3 result_shape = ( (matrix_left.shape[0], matrix_left.shape[1], result_clp_size) if left_index_dependent else (matrix_left.shape[0], result_clp_size) ) result_matrix = np.zeros(result_shape, dtype=np.float64) for idx, label in enumerate(result_clp_labels): if label in clp_labels_left: if left_index_dependent: result_matrix[:, :, idx] += matrix_left[:, :, clp_labels_left.index(label)] else: result_matrix[:, idx] += matrix_left[:, clp_labels_left.index(label)] if label in clp_labels_right: if left_index_dependent: result_matrix[:, :, idx] += ( matrix_right[:, :, clp_labels_right.index(label)] if right_index_dependent else matrix_right[:, clp_labels_right.index(label)] ) else: result_matrix[:, idx] += matrix_right[:, clp_labels_right.index(label)] return result_clp_labels, result_matrix
[docs] @staticmethod def does_interval_item_apply(prop: IntervalItem, index: int | None) -> bool: """Check if an interval item applies on an index. Parameters ---------- prop : IntervalItem The interval property. index: int | None The index to check. Returns ------- bool Whether the property applies. """ if prop.has_interval() and index is None: warnings.warn( f"Interval property '{prop}' applies on a matrix which is " f"not index dependent. This will be an error in 0.9.0. Set " "'index_dependent: true' on the dataset model to fix the issue." ) return True return prop.applies(index)
[docs] def reduce_matrix( self, matrix: MatrixContainer, global_axis: ArrayLike, ) -> list[MatrixContainer]: """Reduce a matrix. Applies constraints and relations. Parameters ---------- matrix : MatrixContainer The matrix. global_axis: ArrayLike The global axis. Returns ------- MatrixContainer The resulting matrix container. """ result = ( [ MatrixContainer(matrix.clp_labels, matrix.matrix[i, :, :]) for i in range(global_axis.size) ] if matrix.is_index_dependent else [matrix] * global_axis.size ) result = self.apply_relations(result, global_axis) result = self.apply_constraints(result, global_axis) return result
[docs] def apply_constraints( self, matrices: list[MatrixContainer], global_axis: ArrayLike, ) -> list[MatrixContainer]: """Apply constraints on a matrix. Parameters ---------- matrices: list[MatrixContainer], The matrices. global_axis: ArrayLike The global axis. Returns ------- MatrixContainer The resulting matrix container. """ model = if len(model.clp_constraints) == 0: return matrices for i, index in enumerate(global_axis): matrix = matrices[i] clp_labels = matrix.clp_labels removed_clp_labels = [ for c in model.clp_constraints if in clp_labels and self.does_interval_item_apply(c, index) ] if len(removed_clp_labels) == 0: continue reduced_clp_labels = [c for c in clp_labels if c not in removed_clp_labels] mask = [label in reduced_clp_labels for label in clp_labels] reduced_matrix = matrix.matrix[:, mask] matrices[i] = MatrixContainer(reduced_clp_labels, reduced_matrix) return matrices
[docs] def apply_relations( self, matrices: list[MatrixContainer], global_axis: ArrayLike, ) -> list[MatrixContainer]: """Apply relations on a matrix. Parameters ---------- matrices: list[MatrixContainer], The matrices. global_axis: ArrayLike The global axis. Returns ------- MatrixContainer The resulting matrix container. """ model = parameters = if len(model.clp_relations) == 0: return matrices for i, index in enumerate(global_axis): matrix = matrices[i] clp_labels = matrix.clp_labels relation_matrix = np.diagflat([1.0 for _ in clp_labels]) idx_to_delete = [] for relation in model.clp_relations: if in clp_labels and self.does_interval_item_apply( relation, index ): if relation.source not in clp_labels: continue relation = fill_item(relation, model, parameters) # type:ignore[arg-type] source_idx = clp_labels.index(relation.source) target_idx = clp_labels.index( relation_matrix[target_idx, source_idx] = relation.parameter idx_to_delete.append(target_idx) if len(idx_to_delete) == 0: continue reduced_clp_labels = [ label for i, label in enumerate(clp_labels) if i not in idx_to_delete ] relation_matrix = np.delete(relation_matrix, idx_to_delete, axis=1) reduced_matrix = matrix.matrix @ relation_matrix matrices[i] = MatrixContainer(reduced_clp_labels, reduced_matrix) return matrices
[docs] def get_result(self) -> tuple[dict[str, xr.DataArray], dict[str, xr.DataArray]]: """Get the results of the matrix calculations. Returns ------- tuple[dict[str, xr.DataArray], dict[str, xr.DataArray]] A tuple of the matrices and global matrices. .. # noqa: DAR202 .. # noqa: DAR401 """ matrices = {} global_matrices = {} for label, matrix_container in self._matrix_containers.items(): model_dimension = self._data_provider.get_model_dimension(label) model_axis = self._data_provider.get_model_axis(label) matrix_coords: ( tuple[tuple[str, Any], tuple[str, Any], tuple[str, list[str]]] | tuple[tuple[str, Any], tuple[str, list[str]]] ) = ( (model_dimension, model_axis), ("clp_label", matrix_container.clp_labels), ) if matrix_container.is_index_dependent: global_dimension = self._data_provider.get_global_dimension(label) global_axis = self._data_provider.get_global_axis(label) matrix_coords = ( (global_dimension, global_axis), matrix_coords[0], matrix_coords[1], ) matrices[label] = xr.DataArray(matrix_container.matrix, coords=matrix_coords) for label, matrix_container in self._global_matrix_containers.items(): global_dimension = self._data_provider.get_global_dimension(label) global_axis = self._data_provider.get_global_axis(label) global_matrices[label] = xr.DataArray( matrix_container.matrix, coords=( (global_dimension, global_axis), ("global_clp_label", matrix_container.clp_labels), ), ) return global_matrices, matrices
[docs] def calculate(self): """Calculate the matrices for optimization. .. # noqa: DAR401 """ raise NotImplementedError
@property def number_of_clps(self) -> int: """Return number of conditionally linear parameters. Raises ------ NotImplementedError This property needs to be implemented by subclasses. See Also -------- MatrixProviderUnlinked MatrixProviderLinked """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class MatrixProviderUnlinked(MatrixProvider): """A class to provide matrix calculations for optimization of unlinked dataset groups.""" def __init__(self, group: DatasetGroup, data_provider: DataProvider): """Initialize a matrix provider for an unlinked dataset group. Parameters ---------- dataset_group : DatasetGroup The dataset group. data_provider : DataProvider The data provider. """ super().__init__(group) self._data_provider = data_provider self._prepared_matrix_container: dict[str, list[MatrixContainer]] = {} self._full_matrices: dict[str, ArrayLike] = {}
[docs] def get_global_matrix_container(self, dataset_label: str) -> MatrixContainer: """Get the global matrix container for a dataset. Parameters ---------- dataset_label : str The label of the dataset. Returns ------- MatrixContainer The matrix container. """ return self._global_matrix_containers[dataset_label]
[docs] def get_prepared_matrix_container( self, dataset_label: str, global_index: int ) -> MatrixContainer: """Get the prepared matrix container for a dataset on an index on the global axis. Parameters ---------- dataset_label : str The label of the dataset. global_index : int The index on the global axis. Returns ------- MatrixContainer The matrix container. """ return self._prepared_matrix_container[dataset_label][global_index]
[docs] def get_full_matrix(self, dataset_label: str) -> ArrayLike: """Get the full matrix of a dataset. Parameters ---------- dataset_label : str The label of the dataset. Returns ------- ArrayLike The matrix. """ return self._full_matrices[dataset_label]
[docs] def calculate(self): """Calculate the matrices for optimization.""" self.calculate_dataset_matrices() self.calculate_global_matrices() self.calculate_prepared_matrices() self.calculate_full_matrices()
[docs] def calculate_global_matrices(self): """Calculate the global matrices of the datasets in the dataset group.""" for label, dataset_model in if has_dataset_model_global_model(dataset_model): model_axis = self._data_provider.get_model_axis(label) global_axis = self._data_provider.get_global_axis(label) self._global_matrix_containers[label] = self.calculate_dataset_matrix( dataset_model, global_axis, model_axis, global_matrix=True )
[docs] def calculate_prepared_matrices(self): """Calculate the prepared matrices of the datasets in the dataset group.""" for label, dataset_model in if has_dataset_model_global_model(dataset_model): continue scale = float(dataset_model.scale or 1) weight = self._data_provider.get_weight(label) self._prepared_matrix_container[label] = self.reduce_matrix( self.get_matrix_container(label).create_scaled_matrix(scale), self._data_provider.get_global_axis(label), ) if weight is not None: self._prepared_matrix_container[label] = [ matrix.create_weighted_matrix(weight[:, i]) for i, matrix in enumerate(self._prepared_matrix_container[label]) ]
[docs] def calculate_full_matrices(self): """Calculate the full matrices of the datasets in the dataset group.""" for label, dataset_model in if has_dataset_model_global_model(dataset_model): global_matrix_container = self.get_global_matrix_container(label) global_matrix = global_matrix_container.matrix matrix_container = self.get_matrix_container(label) matrix = matrix_container.matrix if matrix_container.is_index_dependent: full_matrix = np.concatenate( [ np.kron(global_matrix[i, :], matrix[i, :, :]) for i in range(matrix.shape[0]) ] ) else: full_matrix = np.kron(global_matrix, matrix) weight = self._data_provider.get_flattened_weight(label) if weight is not None: full_matrix = MatrixContainer.apply_weight(full_matrix, weight) self._full_matrices[label] = full_matrix
@property def number_of_clps(self) -> int: """Return number of conditionally linear parameters. Returns ------- int """ nr_of_clps = 0 for dataset_label, dataset_model in if has_dataset_model_global_model(dataset_model): model_clp_labels = self.get_matrix_container(dataset_label).clp_labels global_clp_labels = self.get_global_matrix_container(dataset_label).clp_labels nr_of_clps += len(model_clp_labels) * len(global_clp_labels) else: global_axis_indexes = range( len(self._data_provider.get_global_axis(dataset_label)) ) nr_of_clps += sum( len(self.get_prepared_matrix_container(dataset_label, index).clp_labels) for index in global_axis_indexes ) return nr_of_clps
[docs] class MatrixProviderLinked(MatrixProvider): """A class to provide matrix calculations for optimization of linked dataset groups.""" def __init__(self, group: DatasetGroup, data_provider: DataProviderLinked): """Initialize a matrix provider for a linked dataset group. Parameters ---------- dataset_group : DatasetGroup The dataset group. data_provider : DataProviderLinked The data provider. """ super().__init__(group) self._data_provider: DataProviderLinked = data_provider self._aligned_full_clp_labels: list[list[str]] = [ None # type:ignore[list-item] ] * self._data_provider.aligned_global_axis.size self._aligned_matrices: list[MatrixContainer] = [ None # type:ignore[list-item] ] * self._data_provider.aligned_global_axis.size @property def aligned_full_clp_labels(self) -> list[list[str]]: """Get the aligned full clp labels. Returns ------- list[list[str]] The full aligned clp labels. """ return self._aligned_full_clp_labels
[docs] def get_aligned_matrix_container(self, global_index: int) -> MatrixContainer: """Get the aligned matrix container for an index on the aligned global axis. Parameters ---------- global_index : int The index on the global axis. Returns ------- MatrixContainer The matrix container. """ return self._aligned_matrices[global_index]
[docs] def calculate(self): """Calculate the matrices for optimization.""" self.calculate_dataset_matrices() self.calculate_aligned_matrices()
[docs] def calculate_aligned_matrices(self): """Calculate the aligned matrices of the dataset group.""" full_clp_labels = self.align_full_clp_labels() for i, global_index_value in enumerate(self._data_provider.aligned_global_axis): matrix_containers = [] group_label = self._data_provider.get_aligned_group_label(i) for label, index in zip( self._data_provider.group_definitions[group_label], self._data_provider.get_aligned_dataset_indices(i), ): matrix_container_temp = self._matrix_containers[label] if matrix_container_temp.is_index_dependent: matrix_containers.append( MatrixContainer( clp_labels=matrix_container_temp.clp_labels, matrix=matrix_container_temp.matrix[index], ) ) else: matrix_containers.append(matrix_container_temp) matrix_scales = [ ([label].scale if[label].scale is not None else 1 ) for label in self._data_provider.group_definitions[group_label] ] group_matrix = self.align_matrices( matrix_containers, matrix_scales # type:ignore[arg-type] ) self._aligned_full_clp_labels[i] = full_clp_labels[group_label] group_matrix_single = self.reduce_matrix( group_matrix, np.array([self._data_provider.aligned_global_axis[i]]) )[0] weight = self._data_provider.get_aligned_weight(i) if weight is not None: group_matrix_single = group_matrix_single.create_weighted_matrix(weight) self._aligned_matrices[i] = group_matrix_single
[docs] def align_full_clp_labels(self) -> dict[str, list[str]]: """Align the unreduced clp labels. Returns ------- dict[str, list[str]] The aligned clp for every group. """ aligned_full_clp_labels: dict[str, list[str]] = {} for ( group_label, dataset_labels, ) in self._data_provider.group_definitions.items(): aligned_full_clp_labels[group_label] = [] for dataset_label in dataset_labels: aligned_full_clp_labels[group_label] += [ label for label in self.get_matrix_container(dataset_label).clp_labels if label not in aligned_full_clp_labels[group_label] ] return aligned_full_clp_labels
[docs] @staticmethod def align_matrices(matrices: list[MatrixContainer], scales: list[float]) -> MatrixContainer: """Align matrices. Parameters ---------- matrices : list[MatrixContainer] The matrices to align. scales : list[float] The scales of the matrices. Returns ------- MatrixContainer The aligned matrix container. """ if len(matrices) == 1: return matrices[0] masks = [] full_clp_labels: list[str] = [] sizes = [] dim1 = 0 for matrix in matrices: clp_labels = matrix.clp_labels model_axis_size = matrix.matrix.shape[0] sizes.append(model_axis_size) dim1 += model_axis_size if len(full_clp_labels) == 0: full_clp_labels = clp_labels.copy() masks.append([i for i, _ in enumerate(clp_labels)]) else: mask = [] for c in clp_labels: if c not in full_clp_labels: full_clp_labels.append(c) mask.append(full_clp_labels.index(c)) masks.append(mask) dim2 = len(full_clp_labels) full_matrix = np.zeros((dim1, dim2), dtype=np.float64) start = 0 for i, m in enumerate(matrices): end = start + sizes[i] full_matrix[start:end, masks[i]] = m.matrix * scales[i] start = end return MatrixContainer(full_clp_labels, full_matrix)
@property def number_of_clps(self) -> int: """Return number of conditionally linear parameters. Returns ------- int """ global_axis_indexes = range(len(self._data_provider.aligned_global_axis)) return sum( len(self.get_aligned_matrix_container(index).clp_labels) for index in global_axis_indexes )