Source code for glotaran.builtin.megacomplexes.decay.decay_matrix_gaussian_irf

from __future__ import annotations

import ctypes
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numba as nb
import numpy as np
from numba.extending import get_cython_function_address

    from glotaran.typing.types import ArrayLike
# This is a work around to use scipy.special function with numba
_dble = ctypes.c_double

functype = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(_dble, _dble)

erf_addr = get_cython_function_address("scipy.special.cython_special", "__pyx_fuse_1erf")
erfcx_addr = get_cython_function_address("scipy.special.cython_special", "__pyx_fuse_1erfcx")

erf = functype(erf_addr)
erfcx = functype(erfcx_addr)

SQRT2 = np.sqrt(2)

[docs] @nb.jit(nopython=True, parallel=False) def calculate_decay_matrix_gaussian_irf_on_index( matrix: ArrayLike, rates: ArrayLike, times: ArrayLike, centers: ArrayLike, widths: ArrayLike, scales: ArrayLike, backsweep: bool, backsweep_period: float | None, ): """Calculates a decay matrix with a gaussian irf.""" for n_i in nb.prange(centers.size): center, width, scale = centers[n_i], widths[n_i], scales[n_i] for n_r in nb.prange(rates.size): r_n = rates[n_r] backsweep_valid = backsweep and abs(r_n) * backsweep_period > 0.001 alpha = (r_n * width) / SQRT2 for n_t in nb.prange(times.size): t_n = times[n_t] beta = (t_n - center) / (width * SQRT2) thresh = beta - alpha if thresh < -1: matrix[n_t, n_r] += scale * 0.5 * erfcx(-thresh) * np.exp(-beta * beta) else: matrix[n_t, n_r] += ( scale * 0.5 * (1 + erf(thresh)) * np.exp(alpha * (alpha - 2 * beta)) ) if backsweep and backsweep_valid: x1 = np.exp(-r_n * (t_n - center + backsweep_period)) x2 = np.exp(-r_n * ((backsweep_period / 2) - (t_n - center))) x3 = np.exp(-r_n * backsweep_period) matrix[n_t, n_r] += scale * (x1 + x2) / (1 - x3)
[docs] @nb.jit(nopython=True, parallel=True) def calculate_decay_matrix_gaussian_irf( matrix: ArrayLike, rates: ArrayLike, times: ArrayLike, all_centers: ArrayLike, all_widths: ArrayLike, scales: ArrayLike, backsweep: bool, backsweep_period: float | None, ): for n_w in nb.prange(all_centers.shape[0]): calculate_decay_matrix_gaussian_irf_on_index( matrix[n_w], rates, times, all_centers[n_w], all_widths[n_w], scales, backsweep, backsweep_period, )